do push = h local gpu, screen = component.list("gpu")(), component.list("screen")() local w, h if gpu and screen then gp = component.proxy(gpu) component.invoke(gpu, "bind", screen) w, h = component.invoke(gpu, "getResolution") gp.setResolution(w, h) gp.setBackground(0x000000) gp.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) gp.fill(1, 1, w, h, " ") end local y = 1 function wl(l) if gpu and screen and gp then gp.set(1, y, l) if y == h then gp.copy(1, 2, w, h - 1, 0, -1) gp.fill(1, h, w, 1, " ") else y = y + 1 end end end s("display",function(...) while true do eT = ev if table.remove(eT,1) == "display" then for k,v in ipairs(eT) do wl(v) end end coroutine.yield() end end) end