do local gpu, screen = component.list("gpu")(), component.list("screen")() local sw, sh local cx, cy = 1, 1 if gpu and screen then gp = component.proxy(gpu) gp.bind(screen) sw, sh = gp.getResolution() gp.setResolution(sw, sh) gp.setBackground(0x000000) gp.setForeground(0xFFFFFF) gp.fill(1, 1, sw, sh, " ") end local function cv() if cx > sw then cx,cy=1,cy+1 end if cx < 1 then cx,cy=1,cy-1 end if cy > sh then gp.copy(1,2,sw,sh-1,0,-1) gp.fill(1,sh,sw,1," ") cx,cy=1,sh end end function wl(str) if gpu and screen then for c in str:gmatch(".") do if c == "\n" then cy=cy+1 cx=1 elseif c == "\f" then cx=1 cy=1 gp.fill(1, 1, sw, sh, " ") elseif c == "\127" then cx=cx-1 gp.set(cx,cy," ") else gp.set(cx,cy,c) cx=cx+1 end cv() end end end s("display",function() while true do eT = ev if eT[1] == "display" then wl(tostring(eT[2])) end C.yield() end end) end