function nshc_w(evPP,nid) write("\f") while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" then local V,msg=false,tostring(ev[4]) if ev[3] == evPP and ev[2] == nid then if msg:sub(1,3) == "dis" then write(msg:sub(4)) end end elseif ev[1] == "key" and ev[2] == tT[cT][3].sI then ns(nid,evPP,"key"..tostring(ev[3])) end C.yield() end end function nshc(P,nid) ns(nid,P,"initnsh") while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" then print(T.unpack(ev)) end if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[2] == nid and ev[3] == P then nshc_w(ev[4],nid) end C.yield() end end