function fgetd_w(evPP,nid,pth) local c,S = "",false if pth:sub(-1) == "/" then local ft=flist(pth) if ft then for k,v in ipairs(ft) do c=c..v.."\n" end S=true else c="failed to open dir" end else local if f then c=f:read("*a") f:close() S=true else c="failed to open file" end end print(c) for i = 1, c:len(), 2048 do ns(nid,evPP,c:sub(i,i+2047)) C.yield() end ns(nid,evPP,".") return S end function fgetd(evPP,preP) s("fgetd",function() while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[3] == evPP then -- f,p,m print("[fget] "..TS(ev[4])..": "..tostring(fgetd_w(ev[3],ev[2],preP.."/"..ev[4]))) end C.yield() end end) end