#!/usr/bin/env lua5.2 -- Initialization log = "" tA = {...} for k,v in ipairs(tA) do if type(v) == "string" then if v:sub(1,10) == "--cfgfile=" then cfgfile = v:sub(11) elseif v:sub(1,10) == "--modfile=" then modfile = v:sub(11) elseif v == "--quiet" then quiet = true end end end oldprint=print function print(...) if not quiet then oldprint(...) end logline = "" if #{...} > 0 then if #{...} > 1 then for k,v in ipairs({...}) do logline = logline .. "\t" .. tostring(v) end else tA = {...} logline = tostring(tA[1]) end end log = (log .. logline .. "\n"):sub(1,-1) end print("Initializing and reading configuration") ts={} ss="" cfgfile = cfgfile or "build.cfg" modfile = modfile or "modules.cfg" cfg={} f=io.open(cfgfile,"rb") repeat line = f:read("*l") if line ~= nil then w={} for wo in line:gmatch("%S+") do table.insert(w, wo) end cfg[w[1]] = w[2] end until line == nil or line == "" cfg.opath = cfg.opath or "kernel.lua" cfg.ospath = cfg.ospath or "skernel.lua" print() -- Module list print("Reading modules to load") tm={} f=io.open(modfile,"rb") function nl() return f:read("*l") end for line in nl do print(" - "..line) table.insert(tm,line) end f:close() print(tostring(#tm).." modules to load.\n") -- Loading modules print("Loading modules") for k,v in ipairs(tm) do print(" - "..v.." - modules/"..v) f=io.open("modules/"..v,"rb") if cfg.optimise == "yes" then data = f:read("*a") else data = "--"..v.."\n"..f:read("*a") end table.insert(ts,data) f:close() end print(tostring(#tm).." modules loaded.\n") -- Generate source print("Generating source") if cfg.listmods == "yes" then ss=ss.."_MOD,_OSVERSION,_BD={" for k,v in ipairs(tm) do ss=ss..'"'..v..'",' end ss=ss.."}," if _OSVERSION == nil then ss=ss..'"MultICE '..io.popen("git rev-parse HEAD"):read("*a"):sub(1,7)..'","'..os.date("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M %z")..'"\n' else ss=ss..'"MultICE DR0"\n' end end for k,v in pairs(ts) do ss=ss..v io.write(".") end print() -- Output print("Outputting to "..cfg.opath) f=io.open(cfg.opath,"wb") f:write(ss) f:close() print("Total size: "..tostring(ss:len()).."\n") -- Optimise for space if cfg.optimise == "yes" then if _OSVERSION ~= nil then if _OSVERSION:sub(1,6) == "OpenOS" then os.execute("strip "..cfg.opath.." "..cfg.ospath) end else os.execute("lua strip.lua "..cfg.opath.." "..cfg.ospath) end end -- Check syntax if cfg.test == "yes" then print("Checking for errors...") err={pcall(load,ss)} if err[1] ~= true then if quiet then io.write(table.unpack(err),"\n") else print(table.unpack(err)) end else print("No errors detected by load()") end end -- Write log if cfg.log == "yes" then f=io.open("build.log","wb") f:write(log) f:close() end