function nshd_w(evPP,cA,sI,pW) s("nshd - "..tostring(sI),function() chauths(cA,evPP,pW) luash({["sI"]=sI}) while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" then local msg=tostring(ev[4]) if ev[3] == evPP and ev[2] == cA then if msg:sub(1,3) == "key" then h("key",tT[cT][3].sI,tonumber(msg:sub(4)),0) elseif msg == "exit" then pcall(killsession,sI) break end end elseif ev[1] == "display" and ev[3] == tT[cT][3].sI then ns(cA,evPP,"dis"..tostring(ev[2])) end C.yield() end end,{["sI"]=sI}) end function nshd(P,pW) s("nshd",function() local Cc=1 while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[3] == P then if ev[4] == "initnsh" then nnID="nsh-"..tostring(Cc) Cc=Cc+1 ns(ev[2],P,nnID) nshd_w(nnID,ev[2],nnID,pW) print("[nshd]Spawned "..nnID.." for "..tostring(ev[2])) end end C.yield() end end,{["sI"]="log"}) end