function chauths(cA,nP,pW) C.yield() C.yield() local rs="" for i = 1, 16 do rs=rs..string.char(math.random(33,126)) end ns(cA,nP,"char," while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[2] == cA and ev[3] == nP then return (ev[4] == "chaa,"..string.format("%x",crc32.hash( end C.yield() end end function chauthc(sA,nP,pW) while true do if ev[1] == "net_msg" and ev[2] == sA and ev[3] == nP and ev[4]:sub(1,5) == "char," then ns(sA,nP,"chaa,"..string.format("%x",crc32.hash(pW..ev[4]:sub(6)))) break end C.yield() end end