function irc(h,p,n) -- host, port, nick s("IRC client:"..tostring(h), function() print(pcall(function() local ip,h,p = component.proxy(component.list("internet")()),h,p local c=ip.connect(h,p) print("Nick: "..n) print("Connected: "..tostring(c.finishConnect())) if c.finishConnect() then local ct=computer.uptime() print("Connected successfully.") local function wl(s) print("-->| "..tostring(s).."\n") c.write(tostring(s).."\n") end _G.wil = wl function,s) wl("PRIVMSG "..tostring(u).." :"..tostring(s)) end local function prs(line) h,m = string.match(line,":?(.-):(.+)") tH = {} for w in h:gmatch("%S+") do tH[#tH+1] = w end if tH[1] == "PING" then wl("PONG :"..m) elseif tH[2] == "PRIVMSG" then local n,r,h = tH[1]:match("(.+)!(.+)@(.+)") print(n..":"..m.."\n") else print("|<-- "..line.."\n") end end wl("NICK "..n) wl("USER "..n.." "..n.." "..n.." "..n) while c.finishConnect() do coroutine.yield() local if type(d) == "string" then if d ~= "" and d ~= "\n" then for line in d:gmatch("[^\r\n]+") do pcall(prs,line) end end end end else print("Failed to connect:") print(c.finishConnect()) end end)) end) end