# skex2 ## interactive line editor skex2 is a simple but functional line editor for MultICE. ### invocation To start skex2, simply run skex(filename) from the Lua prompt. ### usage Generally, commands and arguments are entered in the form of `command argument1 argument2 argument3` with the exception of inline execution, which is in the form of `!lua code here`. If skex does not understand what you mean, it will output a line with a question mark. ### commands #### q - quit skex2 Exits the program. #### l \[start\] \[end\] - list contents Output the lines from start to end, inclusive. #### f \[filename\] - set the filename This sets the filename to be used for I/O, or prints the current one. #### r \[filename\] - load file Reads from *filename* or the current set via **f** #### w \[filename\] - write to file Writes to *filename* or the current set via **f** #### p \[line\] - print or set current line As skex2 is a line editor, your pointer is a line, and this either prints the current one or sets a new one. #### a \[line\] - append to buffer Appends lines after the current line or *line* until a line with only . is entered. #### i \[line\] - insert into buffer Inserts lines before the current line or *line* until a line with only . is entered. #### s \[line\] - replace line Removes the current line or *line* and enters insert mode #### e - executes the contents of the buffer Basically converts it into one big string and loads it.