local event = require "event" local serial = require "serialization" local computer = require "computer" local shell = require "shell" local hostname = os.getenv("HOSTNAME") local args, ops = shell.parse(...) local cfgfile = args[1] local cfg = {} local function clear() io.write("\27[2J\27[H") end if cfgfile then -- if a config file argument is specified, load it local fobj = io.open(cfgfile, "rb") if not fobj then print("Error: couldn't open file") return false end cfg = serial.unserialize(fobj:read("*a")) fobj:close() if not cfg then print("Error: couldn't unserialize file") return end else -- if not, set the hostname and edit the minitel config file -- you could just replace this whole block with an error message I guess, but let's default to configuring minitel cfgfile = "/etc/minitel.cfg" if not hostname then print("Hostname not configured.") hostname = computer.address():sub(1,8) io.write("New hostname? ["..hostname.."] ") local nhostname = io.read() if nhostname:len() > 0 then hostname = nhostname end local fobj = io.open("/etc/hostname","wb") if fobj then fobj:write(hostname) fobj:close() end os.execute("hostname --update") print("Hostname set to "..hostname..". Press any key to continue.") event.pull("key_down") end if ops.firstrun then -- if --firstrun, quit now os.execute("rc minitel enable") print("Run mtcfg to configure advanced settings.") return false end cfg.debug = false -- some default settings cfg.port = 4096 cfg.retry = 10 cfg.retrycount = 64 cfg.route = true cfg.rctime = 15 cfg.pctime = 30 cfg.sroutes = {} local fobj = io.open(cfgfile, "rb") -- attempt to replace the default settings if fobj then cfg = serial.unserialize(fobj:read("*a")) or cfg fobj:close() end end local keytab = {} -- contains the keys because we don't want to work with the table indices directly for k,v in pairs(cfg) do if type(v) ~= "table" then keytab[#keytab+1] = k end end table.sort(keytab) local selected = 1 local run, config = true, true local function drawmenu() clear() print("Value\tType\t\tSetting") for k,v in pairs(keytab) do if k == selected then io.write("\27[30;47m") end print(tostring(cfg[v]).."\t"..type(cfg[v]).."\t\t"..v.."\27[0m") end print("Use the arrow keys to navigate, space to edit a setting, q to quit, and enter to confirm.") end local function editsetting(k) if type(cfg[k]) ~= "boolean" then clear() print("Current setting for "..k..": "..tostring(cfg[k])) else cfg[k] = not cfg[k] return end io.write("New setting for "..k.."? ["..tostring(cfg[k]).."] ") local ns = io.read() if ns:len() > 0 then if type(cfg[k]) == "number" then ns = tonumber(ns) or cfg[k] end cfg[k] = ns end end while run do -- main loop drawmenu() local _,_, ch, co = event.pull("key_down") if ch == 113 and co == 16 then run = false config = false elseif ch == 13 and co == 28 then run = false elseif ch == 0 and co == 208 then selected = selected + 1 if selected > #keytab then selected = #keytab end elseif ch == 0 and co == 200 then selected = selected - 1 if selected < 1 then selected = 1 end elseif ch == 32 and co == 57 then editsetting(keytab[selected]) end end clear() if not config then print("Aborted.") return end print("Writing settings...") local fobj = io.open(cfgfile, "wb") if fobj then fobj:write(serial.serialize(cfg)) fobj:close() print("Settings successfully written!") end