# Minitel for KittenOS NEO This package includes the Minitel service, in apps/svc-minitel.lua, and the net library, in libs/net.lua. ## Minitel service The Minitel service provides packet sending and receiving abilities. ### Installation 1. Place apps/svc-minitel.lua into `NEO Disk/apps/svc-minitel.lua` 2. Set the preference run.svc-minitel to "yes" ## Net library The net library provides an easy way of interacting with the minitel service, and implements higher-level features of the stack. ### Installation Place libs/net.lua into `NEO Disk/libs/net.lua` ### Usage Due to how KittenOS's security model works, you have to initialise the library in an unusual way: ``` local minitel = neo.requireAccess("x.svc.minitel","minitel daemon access") local computer = neo.requireAccess("k.computer","pushing packets") local event = require("event")(neo) local net = require("net")(event,computer,minitel) ``` This gives access to the event API, computer API and Minitel service to the net library. ### API Being a direct port of the OpenOS version, the API is the same. #### Layer 3 *net.genPacketID()* - returns a string of random data *net.usend(host, port, data, pid)* - Sends an unreliable packet to *host* on *port* containing *data*, optionally with the packet ID *pid*. *net.rsend(host, port, data)* - Sends a reliable packet to *host* on *port* containing *data*. #### Layer 4 *net.send(host, port, data)* - Sends *data* reliably and in order to *host* on *port*. #### Layer 5 *net.open(to,port)* - Establishes a stream to *host* on *port* and returns a stream object *net.listen(port)* - Waits for another node to establish a stream, and returns the stream object. #### Stream objects *stream:write(data)* - Sends *data* to the node at the other end of the stream *stream:read(length)* - Reads data from the stream, up to *length* bytes. *stream:close()* - Ends the stream and prevents further writing. #### Variables *net.mtu = 4096* - The maximum length of the data portion of a packet for *net.send* *net.streamdelay = 60* - The time, in seconds, *net.open* will wait for a response while trying to establish a connection. *net.minport = 32768* - The lowest port *net.listen* will allocate to a new connection. *net.maxport = 65535* - The highest port *net.listen* will allocate to a new connection.