_G.net = {} net.port = 4096 net.hostname = computer.address():sub(1,8) net.debug = false net.rctime = 30 net.pctime = 30 net.retry = 30 do local rcpe, pcache, rcache, pqueue, modems = computer.pullSignal, {}, {}, {}, {} --subhere for a,t in component.list("modem") do modems[#modems+1] = component.proxy(a) modems[#modems].open(net.port) end local function genPacketID() local npID = "" for i = 1, 16 do npID = npID .. string.char(math.random(32,126)) end return npID end local function sendPacket(packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vport,data) if rcache[dest] then component.invoke(rcache[dest][1],"send",rcache[dest][2],net.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vport,data) else for k,v in pairs(modems) do v.broadcast(net.port,packetID,packetType,dest,sender,vport,data) end end end local function pruneCache() for k,v in pairs(rcache) do if v[3] < computer.uptime() then rcache[k] = nil end end for k,v in pairs(pcache) do if v < computer.uptime() then pcache[k] = nil end end end local function checkPCache(packetID) for k,v in pairs(pcache) do if k == packetID then return true end end return false end local function packetPusher() for k,v in pairs(pqueue) do if v[5] < computer.uptime() then sendPacket(k,v[1],v[2],net.hostname,v[3],v[4]) if v[1] ~= 1 or v[6] == 255 then pqueue[k] = nil else pqueue[k][5]=computer.uptime()+net.retry pqueue[k][6]=pqueue[k][6]+1 end end end end function computer.pullSignal(t) pruneCache() packetPusher() local tev = {rcpe(t)} if tev[1] == "modem_message" and tev[4] == net.port and not checkPCache(tev[6]) then if tev[8] == net.hostname then if tev[7] == 1 then sendPacket(genPacketID(),2,tev[9],net.hostname,tev[10],tev[6]) end if tev[7] == 2 then pqueue[tev[11]] = nil computer.pushSignal("net_ack",data) end if tev[7] ~= 2 then computer.pushSignal("net_msg",tev[9],tev[10],tev[11]) end else sendPacket(tev[6],tev[7],tev[8],tev[9],tev[10],tev[11]) end if not rcache[tev[9]] then rcache[tev[9]] = {tev[2],tev[3],computer.uptime()+net.rctime} end if not pcache[tev[6]] then pcache[tev[6]] = computer.uptime()+net.pctime end end return table.unpack(tev) end function net.usend(to,vport,data,npID) npID = npID or genPacketID() pqueue[npID] = {0,to,vport,data,0,0} end function net.rsend(to,vport,data,npID) npID = npID or genPacketID() pqueue[npID] = {1,to,vport,data,0,0} repeat local te={computer.pullSignal()} until te[1] == "net_ack" and te[2] == npID end end