local ga,sa = component.list("gpu")(),component.list("screen")() GPU = component.proxy(ga) GPU.bind(sa) write = vt100emu(GPU) function print(...) for k,v in pairs({...}) do write(tostring(v).."\n") end end function read() local sBuffer = "" repeat local tSignal = {computer.pullSignal()} if tSignal[1] == "key_down" then if tSignal[3] > 31 and tSignal[3] < 127 then write(string.char(tSignal[3])) sBuffer = sBuffer .. string.char(tSignal[3]) elseif tSignal[3] == 8 and tSignal[4] == 14 and S:len() > 0 then write("\8 \8") sBuffer = sBuffer:sub(1,-2) end end until tSignal[1] == "key_down" and tSignal[3] == 13 and tSignal[4] == 28 write("\n") return sBuffer end --API while true do write(_VERSION.."> ") tResult = {pcall(load(read()))} for k,v in pairs(tResult) do print(v) end end