fs = {} fs.mounts = {} -- basics function fs.segments(path) local segments = {} for segment in path:gmatch("[^/]+") do segments[#segments+1] = segment end return segments end function fs.resolve(path) local segments, rpath = fs.segments(path), "/" for i = 2, #segments do rpath = rpath .. segments[i] .. "/" end rpath = rpath:match("(.+)/") or rpath return segments[1],rpath end -- generate some simple functions for k,v in pairs({"makeDirectory","exists","isDirectory","list","lastModified","remove","size","spaceUsed","isReadOnly","getLabel"}) do fs[v] = function(path) local fsi,path = fs.resolve(path) return fs.mounts[fsi][v](path) end end local function fread(self,length) if length == "*a" then length = math.huge end local rstr, lstr = "", "" repeat lstr = fs.mounts[self.fs].read(self.fid,math.min(2^16,length-rstr:len())) or "" rstr = rstr .. lstr until rstr:len() == length or lstr == "" return rstr end local function fwrite(self,data) fs.mounts[self.fs].write(self.fid,data) end local function fclose(self) fs.mounts[self.fs].close(self.fid) end function fs.open(path,mode) mode = mode or "rb" local fsi,path = fs.resolve(path) if not fs.mounts[fsi] then return false end local fid = fs.mounts[fsi].open(path,mode) if fid then local fobj = {["fs"]=fsi,["fid"]=fid,["close"]=fclose} if mode:sub(1,1) == "r" then fobj.read = fread else fobj.write = fwrite end return fobj end return false end function fs.copy(from,to) local of = fs.open(from,"rb") local df = fs.open(to,"wb") if not of or not df then return false end df:write(of:read("*a")) df:close() of:close() end function fs.rename(from,to) local ofsi, opath = fs.resolve(from) local dfsi, dpath = fs.resolve(to) if ofsi == dfsi then fs.mounts[ofsi].rename(opath,dpath) return true end fs.copy(from,to) fs.remove(from) return true end fs.mounts.temp = component.proxy(computer.tmpAddress()) if computer.getBootAddress then fs.mounts.boot = component.proxy(computer.getBootAddress()) end for addr, _ in component.list("filesystem") do fs.mounts[addr:sub(1,3)] = component.proxy(addr) end