do local H={} function computer.pullSignal(T) tE={computer.pullSignal(T)} for k,v in pairs(H) do v(table.unpack(tE)) end return table.unpack(tE) end local function cW(S,D) if S.state=="open" then net.send(S.A,S.P,D) end end local function cR(S,lN) local rD="" rD=S.rB:sub(1,lN) S.rB=S.rB:sub(lN+1) return rD end local function socket(A,P,sC) local C={} C.A,C.P=A,tonumber(P) C.rB="" C.write=cW C.state="open" local function lI(_,f,p,d) if f==C.A and p==C.P then if d==sC then C:close() else C.rB=C.rB .. d end end end sL=tostring(lI) H[sL]=lI function C.close(S) H[sL]=nil C.state="closed" net.rsend(A,P,sC) end return C end function,P) net.rsend(to,P,"openstream") local st=computer.uptime()+net.streamdelay local est=false while true do _,F,rP,D=event.pull("net_msg") if to==F and rP==P then if tonumber(D) then est=true end break end if st