-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. local function ensureMode(mode) local n = "rb" if type(mode) == "boolean" then if mode then n = "wb" end elseif type(mode) == "string" then if mode == "append" then n = "ab" else error("Invalid fmode " .. mode) end else error("Invalid fmode") end return n end local function create(dev, file, mode) local n = ensureMode(mode) local handle, r = dev.open(file, n) if not handle then return nil, r end local open = true local function closer() if not open then return end open = false pcall(function() dev.close(handle) end) end local function reader(len) if not open then return end if len == "*a" then local ch = "" local c = dev.read(handle, neo.readBufSize) while c do ch = ch .. c c = dev.read(handle, neo.readBufSize) end return ch end if type(len) ~= "number" then error("Length of read must be number or '*a'") end return dev.read(handle, len) end local function writer(txt) if not open then return end neo.ensureType(txt, "string") return dev.write(handle, txt) end local function seeker(whence, point) if not open then return end return dev.seek(handle, whence, point) end if mode == "rb" then return { close = closer, seek = seeker, read = reader }, closer else return { close = closer, seek = seeker, read = reader, write = writer }, closer end end return { ensureMode = ensureMode, create = create }