KittenOS App Construction Firstly, an 'app' is, in essence, a process, with one window. The app's initial Lua script must return 3 values: app, w, h. App contains callbacks, w and h are the app's initial window size. In the below section, "dbool" means a boolean which, if true, redraws the whole window. Callbacks are: update():dbool key(ascii, scan, down): dbool clipboard(text):dbool get_ch(x, y):character event(t, ...):dbool ^ The above is only used under any one of these conditions: 1. The event is a modem_message, and the app requested and got one of the following APIs: c.modem, c.tunnel (implemented as a special case in the getAPI for those APIs, giving access to s.modem_message) 2. The app managed to get the API named "s.". 3. The app managed to successfully get the root API rpc(cPkg, cAid, ...):any The application named by cPkg, process cAid, called your app via the "proc" API. The return value is passed on, to the calling application. -KittenOS API Reference-- KittenOS initializes apps with global functions, but only one library table: "A". This table contains all basic KittenOS funcs, in the order they are written in the kernel. A.listApps() Returns a list of apps that can be launched. (Not running processes, see Request Doc/"proc") Used to allow launcher to avoid requiring a special permission for almost no reason. A.launchApp(pkg) Launches an application, from the Lua file: "apps/"..pkg..".lua" on the primary filesystem. The package name must match the Lua pattern: "[a-zA-Z%-_\x80-\xFF]+" The app ID is returned. A.opencfg(mode) Opens the file: "cfgs/"..pkg on the primary filesystem. This allows storage of any and all data an app may store without any user involvement. This is not to be used for documents, except as part of a recovery system. A.openfile(type, mode) Asks the user to pick a file, and opens it with a specific file mode. This invokes the script "tfilemgr.lua". File modes are 'r and 'w and both are binary. Should the mode be nil, the file manager is opened without any way to open a file. This is useful for file management, and is the implementation of the "filemgr" app. A.request(...) Allows you to get APIs. For a list, look in the kernel for "getAPI". Some APIs may require permission, and the request may cause added callbacks to be called, e.g. the "net" API will cause "modem_message" calls on those signals. A.timer(t) Sets the "update" callback to be called in a given number of seconds. Note that only one timer can be going at a given time, and passing <= 0 to timer will disable it. A.resize(w, h) Resize the running app, among other things, forcing a complete redraw of the app. A.die() Kill the running app, immediately. Do not call functions after this is called. -KittenOS File API------- This is the interface exposed by filewrap.lua, when loaded. It is not a very good interface, but it works. Read some amount of bytes from the file. Returns nil on EOF. file.write(str) Write some amount of bytes to the file. The bytes are in str, as per the old standard of byte arrays being strings. file.close() Closes the file. -KittenOS Security Notes- KittenOS has a few parts which add security, but all of them follow one principle: Kernel-local objects are private, and passing an environment to the "load" function will ensure this. Assuming this axiom is true, KittenOS allows access to anything only if the user explicitly allows it. Files are handled on a per-file basis, unless the "fs" permission is granted (which allows complete access to the filesystem).