-- KittenOS N.E.O Kernel: "Tell Mettaton I said hi." -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- NOTE: local is considered unnecessary in kernel since 21 March -- In case of OpenComputers configuration abnormality readBufSize = 2048 -- A function used for logging, usable by programs. emergencyFunction = function () end -- Comment this out if you don't want programs to have -- access to ocemu's logger. ocemu = component.list("ocemu", true)() if ocemu then ocemu = component.proxy(ocemu) emergencyFunction = ocemu.log end primaryDisk = component.proxy(computer.getBootAddress()) -- {{time, func, arg1...}...} timers = {} libraries = {} setmetatable(libraries, {__mode = "v"}) -- proc.co = coroutine.create(appfunc) -- proc.pkg = "pkg" -- proc.access = {["perm"] = true, ...} -- proc.denied = {["perm"] = true, ...} -- proc.deathCBs = {function(), ...} -- very slightly adjusted total CPU time -- proc.cpuUsage processes = {} -- Maps registration-accesses to function(pkg, pid) accesses = {} lastPID = 0 -- Kernel global "idle time" counter, useful for accurate performance data idleTime = 0 -- This function is critical to wide text support. function unicode.safeTextFormat(s, ptr) local res = "" if not ptr then ptr = 1 end local aptr = 1 for i = 1, unicode.len(s) do local ch = unicode.sub(s, i, i) local ex = unicode.charWidth(ch) if i < ptr then aptr = aptr + ex end for j = 2, ex do ch = ch .. " " end res = res .. ch end return res, aptr end -- The issue with the above function, of course, is that in practice the GPU is a weird mess. -- So this undoes the above transformation for feeding to gpu.set. -- (In practice if safeTextFormat supports RTL, and that's a big "if", then this will not undo that. -- The point is that this converts it into gpu.set format.) function unicode.undoSafeTextFormat(s) local res = "" local ignoreNext = false for i = 1, unicode.len(s) do if not ignoreNext then local ch = unicode.sub(s, i, i) if unicode.charWidth(ch) ~= 1 then if unicode.sub(s, i + 1, i + 1) ~= " " then ch = " " else ignoreNext = true end end res = res .. ch else ignoreNext = false end end return res end function loadfile(s, e) local h, er = primaryDisk.open(s) if h then local ch = "" local c = primaryDisk.read(h, readBufSize) while c do ch = ch .. c c = primaryDisk.read(h, readBufSize) end primaryDisk.close(h) return load(ch, "=" .. s, "t", e) end return nil, tostring(er) end uniqueNEOProtectionObject = {} wrapMetaCache = {} setmetatable(wrapMetaCache, {__mode = "v"}) function wrapMeta(t) if type(t) == "table" then if wrapMetaCache[t] then return wrapMetaCache[t] end local t2 = {} wrapMetaCache[t] = t2 setmetatable(t2, { __index = function (a, k) return wrapMeta(t[k]) end, __newindex = error, -- WTF __call = function (_, ...) return t(...) end, __pairs = function (a) return function (x, key) local k, v = next(t, k) if k then return k, wrapMeta(v) end end, 9, nil end, __ipairs = function (a) return function (x, key) key = key + 1 if t[key] then return key, wrapMeta(t[key]) end end, 9, 0 end, __metatable = uniqueNEOProtectionObject -- Don't protect this table - it'll make things worse }) return t2 else return t end end function ensureType(a, t) if type(a) ~= t then error("Invalid parameter, expected a " .. t) end if t == "table" then if getmetatable(a) then error("Invalid parameter, has metatable") end end end function ensurePathComponent(s) if not string.match(s, "^[a-zA-Z0-9_%-%+%,%#%~%@%'%;%[%]%(%)%&%%%$%! %=%{%}%^]+") then error("chars disallowed") end if s == "." then error("single dot disallowed") end if s == ".." then error("double dot disallowed") end end function ensurePath(s, r) string.gsub(s, "[^/]+", ensurePathComponent) if s:sub(1, r:len()) ~= r then error("base disallowed") end if s:match("//") then error("// disallowed") end end -- Use with extreme care. -- (A process killing itself will actually survive until the next yield... before any of the death events have run.) function termProc(pid, reason) if processes[pid] then -- Immediately prepare for GC, it's possible this is out of memory. -- If out of memory, then to reduce risk of memory leak by error, memory needs to be freed ASAP. -- Start by getting rid of all process data. local dcbs = processes[pid].deathCBs local pkg = processes[pid].pkg local usage = processes[pid].cpuUsage processes[pid] = nil -- This gets rid of a few more bits of data. for _, v in ipairs(dcbs) do v() end -- This finishes off that. dcbs = nil if reason then emergencyFunction("d1 " .. pkg .. "/" .. pid) emergencyFunction("d2 " .. reason) end -- And this is why it's important, because this generates timers. -- The important targets of these timers will delete even more data. distEvent(nil, "k.procdie", pkg, pid, reason, usage) end end function execEvent(k, ...) if processes[k] then local v = processes[k] local timerA = computer.uptime() local r, reason = coroutine.resume(v.co, ...) -- Mostly reliable accounting v.cpuUsage = v.cpuUsage + (computer.uptime() - timerA) reason = ((not r) and tostring(reason)) or nil local dead = (not not reason) or coroutine.status(v.co) == "dead" if dead then termProc(k, reason) return not not reason end end end function distEvent(pid, s, ...) local ev = {...} if pid then local v = processes[pid] if not v then return end if not (s:sub(1, 2) == "k." or v.access["s." .. s] or v.access["k.root"]) then return end -- Schedule the timer to carry the event. table.insert(timers, {0, execEvent, pid, s, table.unpack(ev)}) else for k, v in pairs(processes) do distEvent(k, s, ...) end end end function lister(pfx) return function () local n = primaryDisk.list(pfx) local n2 = {} for k, v in ipairs(n) do if v:sub(#v - 3) == ".lua" then table.insert(n2, v:sub(1, #v - 4)) end end return n2 end end function loadLibraryInner(library) ensureType(library, "string") library = "libs/" .. library .. ".lua" ensurePath(library, "libs/") if libraries[library] then return libraries[library] end emergencyFunction("loading " .. library) local l, r = loadfile(library, baseProcEnv()) if l then local ok, al = pcall(l) if ok then libraries[library] = al return al else return nil, al end end return nil, r end wrapMath = wrapMeta(math) wrapTable = wrapMeta(table) wrapString = wrapMeta(string) wrapUnicode = wrapMeta(unicode) wrapCoroutine = wrapMeta(coroutine) wrapOs = wrapMeta({ totalMemory = computer.totalMemory, freeMemory = computer.freeMemory, energy = computer.energy, maxEnergy = computer.maxEnergy, clock = os.clock, date = os.date, difftime = os.difftime, time = os.time, uptime = computer.uptime, address = computer.address }) wrapDebug = wrapMeta(debug) baseProcEnvCore = { _VERSION = _VERSION, math = wrapMath, table = wrapTable, string = wrapString, unicode = wrapUnicode, coroutine = wrapCoroutine, os = wrapOs, debug = wrapDebug, require = loadLibraryInner, assert = assert, ipairs = ipairs, load = load, next = function (t, k) local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt == uniqueNEOProtectionObject then error("NEO-Protected Object") end return next(t, k) end, pairs = pairs, pcall = pcall, xpcall = xpcall, select = select, type = type, error = error, tonumber = tonumber, tostring = tostring, setmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable = function (n) local mt = getmetatable(n) if mt == uniqueNEOProtectionObject then return "NEO-Protected Object" end return mt end, rawset = function (t, i, v) local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt == uniqueNEOProtectionObject then error("NEO-Protected Object") end return rawset(t, i, v) end, rawget = rawget, rawlen = rawlen, rawequal = rawequal, } baseProcNeo = { emergency = emergencyFunction, readBufSize = readBufSize, wrapMeta = wrapMeta, listProcs = function () local n = {} for k, v in pairs(processes) do table.insert(n, {k, v.pkg, v.cpuUsage}) end return n end, listApps = lister("apps/"), listLibs = lister("libs/"), totalIdleTime = function () return idleTime end, ensurePath = ensurePath, ensurePathComponent = ensurePathComponent, ensureType = ensureType } baseProcEnvMT = { __index = baseProcEnvCore, __metatable = uniqueNEOProtectionObject } baseProcNeoMT = { __index = baseProcNeo, __metatable = uniqueNEOProtectionObject } function baseProcEnv() local pe = setmetatable({}, baseProcEnvMT) pe.neo = setmetatable({}, baseProcNeoMT) pe._G = pe pe._ENV = pe return pe end -- These two are hooks for k.root level applications to change policy. -- Only a k.root application is allowed to do this for obvious reasons. function securityPolicy(pid, proc, perm, req) -- Important safety measure : only sys-* gets anything at first req(proc.pkg:sub(1, 4) == "sys-") end function runProgramPolicy(ipkg, pkg, pid, ...) -- VERY specific injunction here: -- non "sys-" apps NEVER start "sys-" apps -- This is part of the "default security policy" below: -- sys- has all access -- anything else has none if ipkg:sub(1, 4) == "sys-" then if pkg:sub(1, 4) ~= "sys-" then return nil, "non-sys app trying to start sys app" end end return true end function retrieveAccess(perm, pkg, pid) -- Return the access lib and the death callback. -- Access categories are sorted into: -- "c.": Component -- "s.": Signal receiver (with responsibilities for Security Request watchers) -- "s.k.<...>": Kernel stuff -- "s.k.procnew" : New process (pkg, pid) -- "s.k.procdie" : Process dead (pkg, pid, reason, usage) -- "s.k.registration" : Registration of service alert ("x." .. etc) -- "s.k.deregistration" : Registration of service alert ("x." .. etc) -- "s.k.securityresponse" : Response from security policy (accessId, accessObj) -- "s.h.<...>": Incoming HW messages -- "s.x.": This access is actually useless on it's own - it is given by x. -- "k.": Kernel -- "k.root": _ENV (holy grail), and indirectly security request control (which is basically equivalent to this) -- "k.computer": computer -- "r.": Registration Of Service... -- "x.": Access Of Service (handled by r. & accesses table) if accesses[perm] then return accesses[perm](pkg, pid) end if perm == "k.root" then return _ENV end if perm == "k.computer" then return wrapMeta(computer) end if perm == "k.kill" then return function(npid) ensureType(npid, "number") termProc(npid, "Killed by " .. pkg .. "/" .. pid) end end if perm:sub(1, 2) == "s." then -- This is more of a "return success". Signal access is determined by the access/denied maps. return true end if perm:sub(1, 2) == "c." then -- Allows for simple "Control any of these connected to the system" APIs, -- for things the OS shouldn't be poking it's nose in. local primary = nil local temporary = nil local t = perm:sub(3) if t == "filesystem" then primary = wrapMeta(primaryDisk) temporary = wrapMeta(component.proxy(computer.tmpAddress())) end return { list = function () local i = component.list(t, true) return function () local ii = i() if not ii then return nil end return wrapMeta(component.proxy(ii)) end end, primary = primary, temporary = temporary } end if perm:sub(1, 2) == "r." then local uid = "x" .. perm:sub(2) local sid = "s.x" .. perm:sub(2) if accesses[uid] then return nil end accesses[uid] = function (pkg, pid) return nil end return function (f) -- Registration function ensureType(f, "function") local accessObjectCache = {} accesses[uid] = function(pkg, pid) -- Basically, a per registration per process cache. -- This is a consistent yet flexible behavior. if accessObjectCache[pid] then return accessObjectCache[pid] end processes[pid].access[sid] = true local ok, a = pcall(f, pkg, pid, function (...) distEvent(pid, uid, ...) end) if ok then accessObjectCache[pid] = a return a, function () accessObjectCache[pid] = nil end end -- returns nil and fails end -- Announce registration distEvent(nil, "k.registration", uid) end, function () -- Registration becomes null (access is held but other processes cannot retrieve object) if accesses[uid] then distEvent(nil, "k.deregistration", uid) end accesses[uid] = nil end end end function start(pkg, ...) local proc = {} local pid = lastPID lastPID = lastPID + 1 local function startFromUser(ipkg, ...) ensureType(ipkg, "string") ensurePathComponent(ipkg .. ".lua") local k, r = runProgramPolicy(ipkg, pkg, pid, ...) if k then return start(ipkg, pkg, pid, ...) else return k, r end end local function osExecuteCore(handler, ...) local pid, err = startFromUser(...) while pid do local sig = {coroutine.yield()} handler(table.unpack(sig)) if sig[1] == "k.procdie" then if sig[3] == pid then return 0, sig[4] end end end return -1, err end local requestAccessAsync = function (perm) ensureType(perm, "string") -- Safety-checked, prepare security event. local req = function (res) if processes[pid] then local n = nil local n2 = nil if res then proc.access[perm] = true proc.denied[perm] = nil n, n2 = retrieveAccess(perm, pkg, pid) if n2 then table.insert(processes[pid].deathCBs, n2) end else proc.denied[perm] = true end distEvent(pid, "k.securityresponse", perm, n) end end -- outer security policy: if proc.access["k.root"] or proc.access[perm] or proc.denied[perm] then -- Use cached result to prevent possible unintentional security service spam req(proc.access["k.root"] or not proc.denied[perm]) return end -- Denied goes to on to prevent spam proc.denied[perm] = true securityPolicy(pid, proc, perm, req) end local env = baseProcEnv() env.neo.pid = pid env.neo.executeAsync = startFromUser env.neo.execute = function (...) return osExecuteCore(function () end, ...) end env.neo.executeExt = osExecuteCore env.neo.requestAccessAsync = requestAccessAsync env.neo.requestAccess = function (perm, handler) requestAccessAsync(perm) handler = handler or function() end while true do local n = {coroutine.yield()} handler(table.unpack(n)) if n[1] == "k.securityresponse" then -- Security response - if it involves the permission, then take it if n[2] == perm then return n[3] end end end end env.neo.requireAccess = function (perm, reason) -- Allows for hooking local res = env.neo.requestAccess(perm) if not res then error(pkg .. " needed " .. perm .. " for " .. (reason or "some reason")) end return res end env.neo.scheduleTimer = function (time) ensureType(time, "number") local tag = {} table.insert(timers, {time, execEvent, pid, "k.timer", tag, time, ofs}) return tag end local appfunc, r = loadfile("apps/" .. pkg .. ".lua", env) if not appfunc then return nil, r end proc.co = coroutine.create(function (...) local r = {xpcall(appfunc, debug.traceback, ...)} if not r[1] then error(table.unpack(r, 2)) end return table.unpack(r, 2) end) proc.pkg = pkg proc.access = {} proc.denied = {} -- You are dead. Not big surprise. proc.deathCBs = {function () pcall(function () env.neo.dead = true end) end} proc.cpuUsage = 0 -- Note the target process doesn't get the procnew (the dist occurs before it's creation) pcall(distEvent, nil, "k.procnew", pkg, pid) processes[pid] = proc table.insert(timers, {0, execEvent, pid, ...}) return pid end -- Kernel Scheduling Loop -- if not start("sys-init") then error("Could not start sys-init") end while true do local tmr = nil for i = 1, 16 do tmr = nil local now = computer.uptime() local didAnything = false -- for early exit local k = 1 while timers[k] do local v = timers[k] if v[1] <= now then table.remove(timers, k) if v[2](table.unpack(v, 3)) then didAnything = false -- to break tmr = 0.05 break end didAnything = true else if not tmr then tmr = v[1] else tmr = math.min(tmr, v[1]) end k = k + 1 end end if not didAnything then break end end now = computer.uptime() -- the above probably took a while local dist = tmr and math.max(0.05, tmr - now) local signal = {computer.pullSignal(dist)} idleTime = idleTime + (computer.uptime() - now) if signal[1] then distEvent(nil, "h." .. signal[1], select(2, table.unpack(signal))) end end