-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- This library helps in crunching down the installer a bit further. local sequences = { {"\n", " "}, {" ", " "}, {" #", "#"}, {"# ", "#"}, {" ,", ","}, {", ", ","}, {" (", "("}, {"( ", "("}, {" )", ")"}, {") ", ")"}, {" <", "<"}, {"< ", "<"}, {" >", ">"}, {"> ", ">"}, {" *", "*"}, {"* ", "*"}, {" ~", "~"}, {"~ ", "~"}, {" /", "/"}, {"/ ", "/"}, {" %", "%"}, {"% ", "%"}, {" =", "="}, {"= ", "="}, {" -", "-"}, {"- ", "-"}, {" +", "+"}, {"+ ", "+"}, {".. ", ".."}, {" ..", ".."}, {"\"\" ", "\"\""}, {"=0 t", "=0t"}, {">0 t", ">0t"}, {">1 t", ">1t"}, {"=1 w", "=1w"}, {"=380 l", "=380l"}, {"=127 t", "=127t"}, {"<128 t", "<128t"}, {"=128 t", "=128t"}, {">255 t", ">255t"}, {"=512 t", "=512t"} } local function pass(buffer) local ob = "" local smode = false while #buffer > 0 do if not smode then local ds = true while ds do ds = false for _, v in ipairs(sequences) do if buffer:sub(1, #(v[1])) == v[1] then buffer = v[2] .. buffer:sub(#(v[1]) + 1) ds = true end end end end local ch = buffer:sub(1, 1) buffer = buffer:sub(2) ob = ob .. ch if ch == "\"" then smode = not smode end end return ob end return function (op) -- comment removal while true do local np = op:gsub("%-%-[^\n]*\n", " ") np = np:gsub("%-%-[^\n]*$", "") if np == op then break end op = np end -- stripping while true do local np = pass(op) if np == op then return np end op = np end return op end