-- Copyright (C) 2018-2021 by KittenOS NEO contributors -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF -- THIS SOFTWARE. -- CRITICAL FILE! -- This file defines how your KittenOS NEO system responds to access requests. -- Modification, renaming or deletion can disable security features. -- Usually, a change that breaks the ability for the file to do it's job will cause the "failsafe" to activate, -- and for the system to become unable to run user applications. -- However - I would not like to test this in a situation where said user applications were in any way untrusted, -- for example, if you downloaded them from the Internet, or in particular if someone forwarded them over Discord. -- IRC is usually pretty safe, but no guarantees. -- Returns "allow", "deny", or "ask". local function actualPolicy(pkg, pid, perm, pkgSvcPfx) -- System stuff is allowed. if pkg:sub(1, 4) == "sys-" then return "allow" end -- svc-t's job is solely to emulate terminals -- TO INSTALL YOUR OWN TERMINAL EMULATOR: -- perm|app-yourterm|r.neo.t if pkg == "svc-t" and perm == "r.neo.pub.t" then return "allow" end -- -- x.neo.pub.* is open to all if perm:sub(1, 10) == "x.neo.pub." then return "allow" end -- These signals are harmless, though they identify HW (as does everything in OC...) if perm == "s.h.component_added" or perm == "s.h.component_removed" or perm == "s.h.tablet_use" or perm == "c.tablet" then return "allow" end -- Userlevel can register for itself if perm == "r." .. pkgSvcPfx then return "allow" end -- Userlevel has no other registration rights if perm:sub(1, 2) == "r." then return "deny" end -- app/svc stuff is world-accessible, -- but note perm|*| overrides this if perm:sub(1, 6) == "x.app." then return "allow" end if perm:sub(1, 6) == "x.svc." then return "allow" end -- For hardware access, ASK! return "ask" end return function (nexus, settings, pkg, pid, perm, rsp, pkgSvcPfx) local res = actualPolicy(pkg, pid, perm, pkgSvcPfx) if settings then res = settings.getSetting("perm|" .. pkg .. "|" .. perm) or settings.getSetting("perm|*|" .. perm) or res end if res == "ask" and nexus then local totalW = 3 + 6 + 2 + 8 local fmt = require("fmttext").fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(string.format("%s/%i wants:\n%s\nAllow this?\n\n", pkg, pid, perm)), totalW) local buttons = { {"", function (w) rsp(false) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end}, {"", function (w) if settings then settings.setSetting("perm|" .. pkg .. "|" .. perm, "allow") end rsp(true) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end}, {"", function (w) rsp(true) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end} } local cButton = 0 nexus.create(totalW, #fmt, "security", function (window, ev, a, b, c) while ev do if ev == "line" or ev == "touch" then local cor = b local iev = ev ev = nil if iev == "line" then cor = a if fmt[a] then window.span(1, a, fmt[a], 0xFFFFFF, 0) end end if cor == #fmt then local x = 1 for k, v in ipairs(buttons) do if iev == "line" then if k ~= cButton + 1 then window.span(x, a, v[1], 0xFFFFFF, 0) else window.span(x, a, v[1], 0, 0xFFFFFF) end elseif a >= x and a < (x + #v[1]) then cButton = k - 1 ev = "key" a = 32 b = 0 c = true break end x = x + #v[1] + 1 end end elseif ev == "close" then rsp(false) nexus.windows[window.id] = nil window.close() ev = nil elseif ev == "key" then if c and (a == 9 or b == 205) then cButton = (cButton + 1) % #buttons ev = "line" a = #fmt elseif c and b == 203 then cButton = (cButton - 1) % #buttons ev = "line" a = #fmt elseif c and (a == 13 or a == 32) then buttons[cButton + 1][2](window) ev = nil else ev = nil end else ev = nil end end end) else rsp(res == "allow") end end