-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- svc-app-claw-worker: Who stays stays. Who goes goes. local callerPkg, _, destProx, packageId, downloadSrc, checked = ... if callerPkg ~= "app-claw" then error("Internal process for app-claw's bidding.") end -- This 'mutex' remains active as long as the process does. neo.requireAccess("r.svc.app-claw-worker", "CLAW mutex") local function wrapLines(ocb) local buf = "" return function (data) if not data then ocb(buf) else buf = buf .. data buf = buf:gsub("[^\n]*\n", function (t) ocb(t:sub(1, -2)) return "" end) end end end local function download(url, cb, src) if type(src) == "string" then assert(primaryINet, "no internet") local req, err = primaryINet.request(src .. url) assert(req, err) -- OpenComputers#535 req.finishConnect() while true do local n, n2 = req.read(neo.readBufSize) cb(n) if not n then req.close() if n2 then error(n2) else cb(nil) break end else if n == "" then neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime() + 0.05) while true do local res = coroutine.yield() if res == "k.timer" then break end end end end end else local h, e = src.open(url, "rb") assert(h, e) repeat local c = src.read(h, neo.readBufSize) cb(c) until not c src.close(h) end end local opInstall, opRemove function opInstall(packageId, checked) local gback = {} -- the ultimate strategy download("data/app-claw/" .. packageId .. ".c2x", wrapLines(function (l) if l:sub(1, 1) == "?" and checked then if not destProx.exists("data/app-claw/" .. l:sub(2) .. ".c2x") then opInstall(l:sub(2), true) end elseif l:sub(1, 1) == "+" then table.insert(gback, l:sub(2)) elseif l:sub(1, 1) == "/" then destProx.makeDirectory(l) assert(destProx.isDirectory(l), "unable to create dir " .. l) end end), downloadSrc) for _, v in ipairs(gback) do local f = destProx.open(v .. ".C2T", "wb") assert(f, "unable to create download file") local ok, err = pcall(download, v, function (b) assert(destProx.write(f, b or ""), "unable to save data") end, downloadSrc) assert(ok, err) destProx.close(f) end -- CRITICAL SECTION -- if destProx.exists("data/app-claw/" .. packageId .. ".c2x") then opRemove(packageId, false) end for _, v in ipairs(gback) do if destProx.exists(v) then for _, v in ipairs(gback) do destProx.remove(v .. ".C2T") end error("file conflict: " .. v) end end for _, v in ipairs(gback) do destProx.rename(v .. ".C2T", v) end end function opRemove(packageId, checked) if checked then local dependents = {} for _, pidf in ipairs(destProx.list("data/app-claw/")) do if pidf:sub(-4) == ".c2x" then local pid = pidf:sub(1, -5) download("data/app-claw/" .. pidf, wrapLines(function (l) if l == "?" .. packageId then table.insert(dependents, pid) end end), destProx) end end assert(not dependents[1], "Cannot remove " .. packageId .. ", required by:\n" .. table.concat(dependents, ", ")) end local rmSchedule = {} download("data/app-claw/" .. packageId .. ".c2x", wrapLines(function (l) if l:sub(1, 1) == "+" then table.insert(rmSchedule, l:sub(2)) end end), destProx) for _, v in ipairs(rmSchedule) do destProx.remove(v) end end local ok, err if downloadSrc then ok, err = pcall(opInstall, packageId, checked) else ok, err = pcall(opRemove, packageId, checked) end fsProxy = nil downloadSrc = nil neo.executeAsync("app-claw", packageId) if not ok then error(err) end