-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-batmon: Still not batman. -- Port of the original 'batmon.lua' from KittenOS Legacy. local window = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "window")(10, 2) -- OCE/s, OCE at last check, uptime of last check local lastChange, lastValue, lastTimer = 0 local usage = { "[####]:", "[###:]:", "[### ]:", "[##: ]:", "[## ]:", "[#: ]:", "[# ]:", "[: ]:", "[ ]:", "WARNING" } local function getText(y) if y == 2 then if not lastChange then return "Wait..." end local ind = "Dc. " local wc = lastChange local wv = os.energy() if wc > 0 then wc = -wc wv = os.maxEnergy() - wv ind = "Ch. " end local m = math.floor((wv / -wc) / 60) return ind .. m .. "m" end local dec = os.energy() / os.maxEnergy() -- dec is from 0 to 1. local potential = math.floor(dec * #usage) if potential < 0 then potential = 1 end if potential >= #usage then potential = #usage - 1 end return usage[#usage - potential] end local function update() local nv = os.energy() if lastValue then lastChange = (nv - lastValue) / (os.uptime() - lastTimer) end lastValue = nv lastTimer = os.uptime() + 10 if lastChange then if lastChange > 10 then lastTimer = lastTimer - 9 end end neo.scheduleTimer(lastTimer) window.setSize(10, 2) end update() while true do local ev, a, b, c = coroutine.yield() if ev == "x.neo.pub.window" then if b == "close" then return elseif b == "line" then local tx = getText(c):sub(1, 10) window.span(1, c, tx .. (" "):rep(10 - #tx), 0xFFFFFF, 0) end elseif ev == "k.timer" then update() end end