-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Used by filedialog to provide a sane relative environment. -- Essentially, the filedialog is just a 'thin' UI wrapper over this. -- Returns the root node. local function dialog(name, parent) return { name = name, list = function () return {{"Back", function () return nil, parent end}} end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) end } end local getFsNode, getRoot local setupCopyNode function setupCopyNode(parent, myRoot, op, complete) local function handleResult(aRes, res) if aRes then return complete(res, true) else return nil, setupCopyNode(parent, res, op, complete) end end return { name = "(" .. op .. ") " .. myRoot.name, list = function () local l = {} table.insert(l, {"Cancel Operation: " .. op, function () complete(nil, false) return false, parent end}) for _, v in ipairs(myRoot.list()) do table.insert(l, {v[1], function () return handleResult(v[2]()) end}) end return l end, unknownAvailable = myRoot.unknownAvailable, selectUnknown = function (tx) return handleResult(myRoot.selectUnknown(tx)) end } end local function setupCopyVirtualEnvironment(fs, parent, fwrap, impliedName) if not fwrap then return false, dialog("Could not open source", parent) end local myRoot = getRoot(fs, true, impliedName) -- Setup wrapping node return setupCopyNode(parent, myRoot, "Copy", function (fwrap2, intent) if not fwrap2 then fwrap.close() if intent then return false, dialog("Could not open dest.", parent) end return false, parent end local data = fwrap.read(neo.readBufSize) while data do fwrap2.write(data) data = fwrap.read(neo.readBufSize) end fwrap.close() fwrap2.close() return false, dialog("Completed copy.", parent) end) end function getFsNode(fs, parent, fsc, path, mode, impliedName) local va = fsc.address:sub(1, 4) local fscrw = not fsc.isReadOnly() local dir = path:sub(#path, #path) == "/" local confirmedDel = false local t local function selectUnknown(text) -- Relies on text being nil if used in leaf node local rt, re = require("sys-filewrap").create(fsc, path .. (text or ""), mode) if not rt then return false, dialog("Open Error: " .. tostring(re), parent) end return true, rt end t = { name = ((dir and "DIR: ") or "FILE: ") .. va .. path, list = function () local n = {} n[1] = {"..", function () return nil, parent end} if dir then for k, v in ipairs(fsc.list(path)) do local nm = "F: " .. v local fp = path .. v local cDir = fsc.isDirectory(fp) if cDir then nm = "D: " .. v end if (not cDir) and (fscrw or mode == false) and (mode ~= nil) then local vn = v n[k + 1] = {nm, function () return selectUnknown(vn) end} else n[k + 1] = {nm, function () return nil, getFsNode(fs, t, fsc, fp, mode, impliedName) end} end end else table.insert(n, {"Copy", function () local rt, re = require("sys-filewrap").create(fsc, path, false) if not rt then return false, dialog("Open Error: " .. tostring(re), parent) end return nil, setupCopyVirtualEnvironment(fs, parent, rt, path:match("[^/]*$") or "") end}) end if fscrw then if dir then table.insert(n, {"Mk. Directory", function () return nil, { name = "MKDIR...", list = function () return {{ "Cancel", function () return false, t end }} end, unknownAvailable = true, selectUnknown = function (text) fsc.makeDirectory(path .. text) return nil, dialog("Done!", t) end } end}) end if path ~= "/" then local delText = "Delete" if confirmedDel then delText = "Delete " end table.insert(n, {delText, function () if not confirmedDel then confirmedDel = true return nil, t end fsc.remove(path) return nil, dialog("Done.", parent) end}) else table.insert(n, {"Relabel Disk", function () return nil, { name = "Disk Relabel...", list = function () return {{ fsc.getLabel() or "Cancel", function () return false, t end }} end, unknownAvailable = true, selectUnknown = function (tx) fsc.setLabel(tx) return false, t end } end}) end end if not dir then elseif impliedName then table.insert(n, {"Implied: " .. impliedName, function () return selectUnknown(impliedName) end}) end return n end, unknownAvailable = dir and (mode ~= nil) and ((mode == false) or fscrw), selectUnknown = selectUnknown } return t end function getRoot(fs, mode, defName) local t t = { name = "DRVS:", list = function () local l = {} for fsi in fs.list() do local id = fsi.getLabel() if fsi == fs.primary then id = "NEO" .. ((id and (":" .. id)) or " Disk") elseif fsi == fs.temporary then id = "RAM" .. ((id and (" " .. id)) or "Disk") else id = id or "Disk" end local used, total = fsi.spaceUsed(), fsi.spaceTotal() local amount = string.format("%02i", math.ceil((used / total) * 100)) local mb = math.floor(total / (1024 * 1024)) if fsi.isReadOnly() then id = "RO " .. amount .. "% " .. mb .. "M " .. id else id = "RW " .. amount .. "% " .. mb .. "M " .. id end table.insert(l, {fsi.address:sub(1, 4) .. " " .. id, function () return nil, getFsNode(fs, t, fsi, "/", mode, defName) end}) end return l end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) return false, dialog("Ow, that hurt...", t) end } return t end return getRoot