-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- svc-t.lua : terminal local _, _, retTbl, title = ... assert(retTbl, "need to alert creator") if title ~= nil then assert(type(title) == "string", "title must be string") end local function rW() return string.format("%04x", math.random(0, 65535)) end local id = "neo.pub.t/" .. rW() .. rW() .. rW() .. rW() local closeNow = false -- Terminus Registration State -- local tReg = neo.requireAccess("r." .. id, "registration") local sendSigs = {} -- Display State -- -- unicode.safeTextFormat'd lines. -- The size of this must not go below 1. local console = {} -- This must not go below 3. local conW = 40 local conCX, conCY = 1, 1 -- Performance local consoleShown = {} local conCYShown for i = 1, 14 do console[i] = (" "):rep(conW) end -- Line Editing State -- -- Nil if line editing is off. -- In this case, the console height -- must be adjusted accordingly. local leText = "" -- These are NOT nil'd out, -- particularly not the history buffer. local leCX = 1 local leHistory = { -- Size = history buffer size "", "", "", "" } local function cycleHistoryUp() local backupFirst = leHistory[1] for i = 1, #leHistory - 1 do leHistory[i] = leHistory[i + 1] end leHistory[#leHistory] = backupFirst end local function cycleHistoryDown() local backup = leHistory[1] for i = 2, #leHistory do backup, leHistory[i] = leHistory[i], backup end leHistory[1] = backup end -- Window -- local window = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "window")(conW, #console + 1, title) -- Core Terminal Functions -- local function setSize(w, h) conW = w for i = 1, #console do consoleShown[i] = nil end while #console < h do table.insert(console, "") end while #console > h do table.remove(console, 1) end for i = 1, #console do console[i] = unicode.sub(console[i], 1, w) .. (" "):rep(w - unicode.len(console[i])) end if leText then window.setSize(w, h + 1) else window.setSize(w, h) end conCX, conCY = 1, h end local function setLineEditing(state) if state and not leText then leText = "" leCX = 1 setSize(conW, #console) elseif leText and not state then leText = nil setSize(conW, #console) end end local function draw(i) if console[i] then window.span(1, i, console[i], 0, 0xFFFFFF) if i == conCY and not leText then window.span(conCX, i, unicode.sub(console[i], conCX, conCX), 0xFFFFFF, 0) end elseif leText then window.span(1, i, require("lineedit").draw(conW, unicode.safeTextFormat(leText, leCX)), 0xFFFFFF, 0) end end local function drawDisplay() for i = 1, #console do if consoleShown[i] ~= console[i] or i == conCY or i == conCYShown then draw(i) consoleShown[i] = console[i] end end conCYShown = conCY end -- Terminal Visual -- local function consoleSD() for i = 1, #console - 1 do console[i] = console[i + 1] end console[#console] = (" "):rep(conW) end local function consoleSU() local backup = (" "):rep(conW) for i = 1, #console do backup, console[i] = console[i], backup end end local function writeFF() if conCY ~= #console then conCY = conCY + 1 else consoleSD() end end local function writeData(data) -- handle data until completion while #data > 0 do local char = unicode.sub(data, 1, 1) data = unicode.sub(data, 2) -- handle character if char == "\t" then -- not ideal, but allowed char = " " end if char == "\r" then conCX = 1 elseif char == "\x00" then -- caused by TELNET \r rules elseif char == "\n" then conCX = 1 writeFF() elseif char == "\a" then -- Bell (er...) elseif char == "\b" then conCX = math.max(1, conCX - 1) elseif char == "\v" or char == "\f" then writeFF() else local charL = unicode.wlen(char) if (conCX + charL - 1) > conW then conCX = 1 writeFF() end local spaces = (" "):rep(charL - 1) console[conCY] = unicode.sub(console[conCY], 1, conCX - 1) .. char .. spaces .. unicode.sub(console[conCY], conCX + charL) conCX = conCX + charL -- Cursor can be (intentionally!) off-screen here end end end local function writeANSI(s) --neo.emergency("svc-t.ansi: " .. s) -- This supports just about enough to get by. if s == "c" then for i = 1, #console do console[i] = (" "):rep(conW) end conCX, conCY = 1, 1 return end local pfx = s:sub(1, 1) local cmd = s:sub(#s) if pfx == "[" then local np = tonumber(s:sub(2, -2)) or 1 if cmd == "H" or cmd == "f" then local p = s:find(";") if not p then conCY = np conCX = 1 else conCY = tonumber(s:sub(2, p - 1)) or 1 conCX = tonumber(s:sub(p + 1, -2)) or 1 end elseif cmd == "K" then console[conCY] = unicode.sub(console[conCY], 1, conCX - 1) .. (" "):rep(1 + conW - conCX) elseif cmd == "J" then for i = 1, #console do console[i] = (" "):rep(conW) end elseif cmd == "A" then conCY = conCY - np elseif cmd == "B" then conCY = conCY + np elseif cmd == "C" then conCX = conCX + np elseif cmd == "D" then conCX = conCX - np elseif cmd == "S" then for i = 1, np do consoleSU() end elseif cmd == "T" then for i = 1, np do consoleSD() end end end conCX = math.min(math.max(math.floor(conCX), 1), conW) conCY = math.min(math.max(math.floor(conCY), 1), #console) end -- The Terminus -- local tvBuildingCmd = "" local tvBuildingUTF = "" local tvSubnegotiation = false local function incoming(s) tvBuildingCmd = tvBuildingCmd .. s -- Flush Cmd while #tvBuildingCmd > 0 do if tvBuildingCmd:byte() == 255 then -- It's a command. Uhoh. if #tvBuildingCmd < 2 then break end local cmd = tvBuildingCmd:byte(2) local param = tvBuildingCmd:byte(3) local cmdLen = 2 -- Command Lengths if cmd >= 251 and cmd <= 254 then cmdLen = 3 end if #tvBuildingCmd < cmdLen then break end if cmd == 240 then -- SE tvSubnegotiation = false elseif cmd == 250 then -- SB tvSubnegotiation = true elseif cmd == 251 and param == 1 then -- WILL ECHO (respond with DO ECHO, disable line editing) -- test using io.write("\xFF\xFB\x01") for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do v("telnet", "\xFF\xFD\x01") end setLineEditing(false) elseif cmd == 252 and param == 1 then -- WON'T ECHO (respond with DON'T ECHO, enable line editing) for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do v("telnet", "\xFF\xFE\x01") end setLineEditing(true) elseif cmd == 251 or cmd == 252 then -- WILL/WON'T (x) (respond with DON'T (X)) local res = "\xFF\xFE" .. string.char(param) for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do v("telnet", res) end elseif cmd == 253 or cmd == 254 then -- DO/DON'T (x) (respond with WON'T (X)) local res = "\xFF\xFC" .. string.char(param) for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do v("telnet", res) end elseif cmd == 255 then if not tvSubnegotiation then tvBuildingUTF = tvBuildingUTF .. "\xFF" end end tvBuildingCmd = tvBuildingCmd:sub(cmdLen + 1) else if not tvSubnegotiation then tvBuildingUTF = tvBuildingUTF .. tvBuildingCmd:sub(1, 1) end tvBuildingCmd = tvBuildingCmd:sub(2) end end -- Flush UTF/Display while #tvBuildingUTF > 0 do local head = tvBuildingUTF:byte() local len = 1 local handled = false if head == 27 then local h2 = tvBuildingUTF:byte(2) if h2 == 91 then for i = 3, #tvBuildingUTF do local cmd = tvBuildingUTF:byte(i) if cmd >= 0x40 and cmd <= 0x7E then writeANSI(tvBuildingUTF:sub(2, i)) len = i handled = true break end end elseif h2 then len = 2 writeANSI(tvBuildingUTF:sub(2, 2)) handled = true end if not handled then break end end if not handled then if head < 192 then len = 1 elseif head < 224 then len = 2 elseif head < 240 then len = 3 elseif head < 248 then len = 4 elseif head < 252 then len = 5 elseif head < 254 then len = 6 end if #tvBuildingUTF < len then break end -- verified one full character... writeData(tvBuildingUTF:sub(1, len)) end tvBuildingUTF = tvBuildingUTF:sub(len + 1) end end do tReg(function (_, pid, sendSig) sendSigs[pid] = sendSig return { id = "x." .. id, pid = neo.pid, write = function (text) incoming(tostring(text)) drawDisplay() end } end, true) if retTbl then coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(retTbl), { access = "x." .. id, close = function () closeNow = true neo.scheduleTimer(0) end }) end end local control = false local function key(a, c) if control then if c == 203 and conW > 8 then setSize(conW - 1, #console) return elseif c == 200 and #console > 1 then setSize(conW, #console - 1) return elseif c == 205 then setSize(conW + 1, #console) return elseif c == 208 then setSize(conW, #console + 1) return end end -- so with the reserved ones dealt with... if not leText then -- Line Editing not active. -- For now support a bare minimum. for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do if a == "\x03" then v("telnet", "\xFF\xF4") elseif c == 199 then v("data", "\x1b[H") elseif c == 201 then v("data", "\x1b[5~") elseif c == 207 then v("data", "\x1b[F") elseif c == 209 then v("data", "\x1b[6~") elseif c == 203 then v("data", "\x1b[D") elseif c == 205 then v("data", "\x1b[C") elseif c == 200 then v("data", "\x1b[A") elseif c == 208 then v("data", "\x1b[B") elseif a == "\r" then v("data", "\r\n") elseif a then v("data", a) end end elseif not control then -- Line Editing active and control isn't involved if c == 200 or c == 208 then -- History cursor up (history down) leText = leHistory[#leHistory] leCX = unicode.len(leText) + 1 if c == 208 then cycleHistoryUp() else cycleHistoryDown() end return end local lT, lC, lX = require("lineedit").key(a, c, leText, leCX) leText = lT or leText leCX = lC or leCX if lX == "nl" then cycleHistoryUp() leHistory[#leHistory] = leText -- the whole thing { local fullText = leText .. "\r\n" writeData(fullText) drawDisplay() for _, v in pairs(sendSigs) do v("data", fullText) end -- } leText = "" leCX = 1 end end end while not closeNow do local e = {coroutine.yield()} if e[1] == "k.procdie" then sendSigs[e[3]] = nil elseif e[1] == "x.neo.pub.window" then if e[3] == "close" then break elseif e[3] == "clipboard" then for i = 1, unicode.len(e[4]) do local c = unicode.sub(e[4], i, i) if c ~= "\r" then if c == "\n" then c = "\r" end key(c, 0) end end draw(#console + 1) elseif e[3] == "key" then if e[5] == 29 or e[5] == 157 then control = e[6] elseif e[6] then key(e[4] ~= 0 and unicode.char(e[4]), e[5]) draw(#console + 1) end elseif e[3] == "line" then draw(e[4]) end end end