-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Braille Converter & NeoUX component -- While the Neoux part isn't OS-independent, -- the converter itself is. Enjoy. -- Braille Neoux Component Callbacks : -- selectable (boolean) -- key(window, update, a, c, d) -- touch(window, update, x, y, button) -- drag(window, update, x, y, button) -- drop(window, update, x, y, button) -- scroll(window, update, x, y, button) -- clipboard(window, update, contents) -- get(window, x, y, bg, fg, selected) -> r,g,b (REQUIRED) -- REMINDER: -- 03 -- 14 -- 25 -- 67 local function dotDist(ra, ga, ba, rb, gb, bb) local dR, dG, dB = math.abs(ra - rb), math.abs(ga - gb), math.abs(ba - bb) return (dR * 0.299) + (dG * 0.587) + (dB * 0.114) end local function dotGet(p, ra, ga, ba, rb, gb, bb, rc, gc, bc, pos, col) if not col then -- Use our own magic local res = false local luma = (ra * 0.299) + (ga * 0.587) + (ba * 0.114) if luma > 96 and luma < 160 then res = pos elseif luma >= 160 then res = true end return (res and p) or 0 end local distA = dotDist(ra, ga, ba, rb, gb, bb) local distB = dotDist(ra, ga, ba, rc, gc, bc) local distAB = dotDist(rb, gb, bb, rc, gc, bc) local distC = dotDist(ra, ga, ba, (rb + rc) / 2, (gb + gc) / 2, (bb + bc) / 2) -- If A and B are close, if (distAB < 32) and (distC < (math.min(distA, distB) * 4)) then return (pos and p) or 0 end return ((distB < distA) and p) or 0 end local function cTransform(core) return function (window, update, x, y, xI, yI, blah) x = (x * 2) + math.ceil(xI - 0.5) y = (y * 4) + math.ceil((yI - 0.25) * 4) core(window, update, x, y, blah) end end local function colourize(mark, ...) local t = {...} local bCR = 0 local bCG = 0 local bCB = 0 if not mark then local nLuma = -1 for i = 1, #t do local luma = (t[i][1] * 0.299) + (t[i][2] * 0.587) + (t[i][3] * 0.114) if luma > nLuma then bCR = t[i][1] bCG = t[i][2] bCB = t[i][3] nLuma = luma end end return bCR, bCG, bCB else local bCTS = math.huge for i = 1, #t do local ts = -dotDist(mark[1], mark[2], mark[3], table.unpack(t[i])) if ts < bCTS then bCR = t[i][1] bCG = t[i][2] bCB = t[i][3] bCTS = ts end end end return bCR, bCG, bCB end local function packRGB(r, g, b) return (r * 65536) + (g * 256) + b end -- span is a NeoUX-like span function (x, y, str, bg, fg) -- x, y are character-cell start coordinates for this. -- w is character-cell count. -- colour is nil to disable colour, -- otherwise the colour-change threshold (best 0) -- get is a function r,g,b = get(xo, yo) -- NOTE: xo/yo are 0-based! local function calcLine(x, y, w, span, get, colour) local str = "" local bgR = 0 local bgG = 0 local bgB = 0 local fgR = 255 local fgG = 255 local fgB = 255 local bg = 0 local fg = 0xFFFFFF local ca = 0 for p = 1, w do local i = 0x2800 local xb = (p - 1) * 2 local dot0R, dot0G, dot0B = get(xb + 0, 0) local dot1R, dot1G, dot1B = get(xb + 0, 1) local dot2R, dot2G, dot2B = get(xb + 0, 2) local dot3R, dot3G, dot3B = get(xb + 1, 0) local dot4R, dot4G, dot4B = get(xb + 1, 1) local dot5R, dot5G, dot5B = get(xb + 1, 2) local dot6R, dot6G, dot6B = get(xb + 0, 3) local dot7R, dot7G, dot7B = get(xb + 1, 3) if colour then local obgR, obgG, obgB = colourize(nil, {dot0R, dot0G, dot0B}, {dot1R, dot1G, dot1B}, {dot2R, dot2G, dot2B}, {dot3R, dot3G, dot3B}, {dot4R, dot4G, dot4B}, {dot5R, dot5G, dot5B}, {dot6R, dot6G, dot6B}, {dot7R, dot7G, dot7B} ) local ofgR, ofgG, ofgB = colourize({obgR, obgG, obgB}, {dot0R, dot0G, dot0B}, {dot1R, dot1G, dot1B}, {dot2R, dot2G, dot2B}, {dot3R, dot3G, dot3B}, {dot4R, dot4G, dot4B}, {dot5R, dot5G, dot5B}, {dot6R, dot6G, dot6B}, {dot7R, dot7G, dot7B} ) if ((dotDist(obgR, obgG, obgB, bgR, bgG, bgB) > colour) and (dotDist(obgR, obgG, obgB, fgR, fgG, fgB) > colour)) or ((dotDist(ofgR, ofgG, ofgB, bgR, bgG, bgB) > colour) and (dotDist(ofgR, ofgG, ofgB, fgR, fgG, fgB) > colour)) then if ca ~= 0 then span(x, y, str, bg, fg) str = "" end x = x + ca ca = 0 bg = packRGB(obgR, obgG, obgB) fg = packRGB(ofgR, ofgG, ofgB) bgR, bgG, bgB = obgR, obgG, obgB fgR, fgG, fgB = ofgR, ofgG, ofgB end end i = i + dotGet(1, dot0R, dot0G, dot0B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, true, colour) i = i + dotGet(2, dot1R, dot1G, dot1B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, false, colour) i = i + dotGet(4, dot2R, dot2G, dot2B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, true, colour) i = i + dotGet(8, dot3R, dot3G, dot3B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, false, colour) i = i + dotGet(16, dot4R, dot4G, dot4B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, true, colour) i = i + dotGet(32, dot5R, dot5G, dot5B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, false, colour) i = i + dotGet(64, dot6R, dot6G, dot6B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, false, colour) i = i + dotGet(128, dot7R, dot7G, dot7B, bgR, bgG, bgB, fgR, fgG, fgB, true, colour) str = str .. unicode.char(i) ca = ca + 1 end if str ~= "" then span(x, y, str, bg, fg) end end heldRef = { calcLine = calcLine, new = function (x, y, w, h, cbs, colour) local control control = { x = x, y = y, w = w, h = h, selectable = cbs.selectable, key = cbs.key, clipboard = cbs.clipboard, touch = cbs.touch and cTransform(cbs.touch), drag = cbs.drag and cTransform(cbs.drag), drop = cbs.drop and cTransform(cbs.drop), scroll = cbs.scroll and cTransform(cbs.scroll), line = function (window, x, y, iy, bg, fg, selected) local colour = ((window.getDepth() <= 1) or nil) and colour calcLine(x, y, control.w, window.span, function (xb, yb) return cbs.get(window, xb + 1, yb + (iy * 4) - 3, bg, fg, selected, colour) end, colour) end, } return control end, } return heldRef