-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. return function(dev, file, mode) local n = "rb" if mode then n = "wb" end local handle, r = dev.open(file, n) if not handle then return nil, r end local open = true local function closer() if not open then return end open = false pcall(function() dev.close(handle) end) end if not mode then return { close = closer, read = function (len) if len == "*a" then local ch = "" local c = dev.read(handle, neo.readBufSize) while c do ch = ch .. c c = dev.read(handle, neo.readBufSize) end return ch end if type(len) ~= "number" then error("Length of read must be number or '*a'") end return dev.read(handle, len) end }, closer else return { close = closer, write = function (txt) if type(txt) ~= "string" then error("Write data must be string-bytearray") end local ok, b = dev.write(handle, txt) if not ok then error(tostring(b)) end end }, closer end end