-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- just don't bother with proper indent here return function (event, neoux, retFunc, fs, pkg, mode) local class = "manage" if mode ~= nil then if mode then class = "save" else class = "load" end end local prepareNode local ccb = nil local function cb(...) local res, e = pcall(ccb, ...) if not res then prepareNode({ name = "F.M. Error", list = function () local l = {} for k, v in ipairs(neoux.fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(e), 25)) do l[k] = {v, function () return true end} end return l end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) end }) end end local function prepareNodeI(node) local l = node.list() local w, h = 30, 8 -- Local State -- Selection. Having this equal to #l + 1 means typing area ('unknown') local selection = 1 local unknownTx = "" -- local function format(a) if a <= 1 then return true, true, node.name end local camY = math.max(1, selection - 4) local idx = a + camY - 2 if node.unknownAvailable then if idx == #l + 1 then return selection == #l + 1, false, ":" .. unknownTx end end if l[idx] then return selection == idx, false, l[idx][1] end return true, true, "~~~" end local function updateLine(wnd, a) local colA, colB = 0xFFFFFF, 0 local sel, cen, text = format(a) if sel then colB, colA = 0xFFFFFF, 0 end wnd.span(1, a, neoux.pad(unicode.safeTextFormat(text), w, cen, true), colA, colB) end local function flush(wnd) for i = 1, h do updateLine(wnd, i) end end local function key(wnd, ka, kc, down) if not down then return end if (ka == 9) or (kc == 208) then local lo = selection selection = selection + 1 local max = #l if node.unknownAvailable then max = max + 1 end if selection > max then selection = 1 end flush(wnd) return end if kc == 200 then local lo = selection selection = selection - 1 local max = #l if node.unknownAvailable then max = max + 1 end if selection == 0 then selection = max end flush(wnd) return end if ka == 13 then local aResult, res if selection ~= #l + 1 then aResult, res = l[selection][2]() else aResult, res = node.selectUnknown(unknownTx) end if aResult then retFunc(res) wnd.close() else prepareNode(res) end return end if selection == #l + 1 then if ka == 8 then unknownTx = unicode.sub(unknownTx, 1, unicode.len(unknownTx) - 1) flush(wnd) return end if ka ~= 0 then unknownTx = unknownTx .. unicode.char(ka) flush(wnd) end end end return w, h, function (wnd, evt, a, b, c) if evt == "key" then key(wnd, a, b, c) end if evt == "touch" then local ns = b + math.max(1, selection - 4) - 2 local max = #l if node.unknownAvailable then max = max + 1 end if ns == selection and selection ~= #l + 1 then key(wnd, 13, 0, true) else selection = math.min(math.max(1, ns), max) flush(wnd) end end if evt == "line" then updateLine(wnd, a) end if evt == "close" then retFunc(nil) wnd.close() end end end local text = class .. " " .. pkg local window = neoux.create(25, 10, text, cb) function prepareNode(node) local w, h, c = prepareNodeI(node) ccb = c window.setSize(w, h) end prepareNode(require("sys-filevfs")(fs, mode)) return function () retFunc() window.close() end -- end bad indent end