"sys-filewrap" is responsible for wrapping a filesystem object with a file-like mechanism. It simply provides two functions: ensureMode(mode): Ensures that a mode is valid, and translates it. create(dev, file, mode): Open a file using a given proxy, filename and mode. The mode you give to it can be one of the following: false: Read "rb" true: Write "wb" "append": Append "ab" May have some readability propertiues - just in case, I've added 'read', but don't get your hopes up... It returns two things - a table, that being the file object, and the 'close' function from that object, for closing the file without using a potentially modifiable table. If the table is nil, then the "close" function is actually a string, that being the error. The possible functions are: [arw] close(): Closes the file. [arw] seek(whence, pos): Seeks in the file. [aw] write(data): Writes to the file. [arw] read(data): Reads from the file. NOTE: Some of these may not actually work. They're just there as more or less a "do no harm" approach. -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise.