-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- 'neolithic': Text Editor -- This was textedit (femto) from KittenOS 'ported' to NEO. -- It also has fixes for bugs involving wide text, and runs faster due to the chars -> lines change. local lines = { "Neolithic: Text Editor", "F3, F4, F1: Load, Save, New", "F5, F6, ^←: Copy, Paste, Delete Line", -- These two are meant to replace similar functionality in GNU Nano -- (which I consider the best console text editor out there - Neolithic is an *imitation* and a poor one at that), -- except fixing a UI flaw by instead adding a visible way to reset the append flag, -- so the user can more or less arbitrarily mash together lines "F7: Reset 'append' flag for Cut Lines", "F8: Cut Line(s)", "^: Resize Win", "'^' is Control.", "Wide text & clipboard supported.", "For example, this.", } -- If replicating Nano's clipboard : -- Nano starts off in a "replace" mode, -- and then after an action occurs switches to "append" until *any cursor action is performed*. -- The way I have things setup is that you perform J then K(repeat) *instead*, which means you have to explicitly say "destroy current clipboard". local clipsrc = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.globals", "clipboard") local windows = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "windows") local files = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.base", "files").showFileDialogAsync local cursorX = 1 local cursorY = math.ceil(#lines / 2) local cFlash = true local ctrlFlag, focFlag, appendFlag local dialogLock = false local sW, sH = 37, #lines + 2 local window = windows(sW, sH) local filedialog = nil local flush local function splitCur() local s = lines[cursorY] local st = unicode.sub(s, 1, cursorX - 1) local en = unicode.sub(s, cursorX) return st, en end local function clampCursorX() local s = lines[cursorY] if unicode.len(s) < (cursorX - 1) then cursorX = unicode.len(s) + 1 return true end return false end local cbs = {} local function fileDialog(writing, callback) filedialog = function (res) local ok, e = pcall(callback, res) if not ok then e = unicode.safeTextFormat(tostring(e)) local wnd = windows(unicode.len(e), 1, "ERROR") cbs[wnd.id] = { wnd.close, wnd.span, e } end end files(writing) end -- Save/Load local function startSave() dialogLock = true fileDialog(true, function (res) dialogLock = false local x = "" if res then for k, v in ipairs(lines) do if k ~= 1 then x = x .. "\n" end x = x .. v while #x >= neo.readBufSize do res.write(x:sub(1, neo.readBufSize)) x = x:sub(neo.readBufSize + 1) end end res.write(x) res.close() end end) end local function startLoad() dialogLock = true fileDialog(false, function (res) dialogLock = false if res then lines = {} local lb = "" while true do local l = res.read(neo.readBufSize) if not l then table.insert(lines, lb) cursorX = 1 cursorY = 1 res.close() flush() return end local lp = l:find("\n") while lp do lb = lb .. l:sub(1, lp - 1) table.insert(lines, lb) lb = "" l = l:sub(lp + 1) lp = l:find("\n") end lb = lb .. l end end end) end local function getline(y) -- do rY first since unw -- only requires that -- horizontal stuff be -- messed with... -- ...thankfully local rY = (y + cursorY) - math.ceil(sH / 2) -- rX is difficult! local rX = 1 local Xthold = math.max(1, math.floor(sW / 2) - 1) local _, cursorXP = unicode.safeTextFormat(lines[cursorY], cursorX) rX = (math.max(0, math.floor(cursorXP / Xthold) - 1) * Xthold) + 1 local line = lines[rY] if not line then return ("¬"):rep(sW) end line = unicode.safeTextFormat(line) -- local tl = unicode.sub(line, rX, rX + sW - 1) cursorXP = (cursorXP - rX) + 1 if cFlash then if rY == cursorY then if cursorXP >= 1 then if cursorXP <= sW then local start = unicode.sub(tl, 1, cursorXP - 1) local endx = unicode.sub(tl, cursorXP + 1) tl = start .. "_" .. endx end end end end while unicode.len(tl) < sW do tl = tl .. " " end return tl end local function delLine() local contents = lines[cursorY] if cursorY == #lines then if cursorY == 1 then lines[1] = "" else cursorY = cursorY - 1 lines[#lines] = nil end else table.remove(lines, cursorY) end return contents end -- add a single character local function putLetter(ch) if ch == "\r" then local a, b = splitCur() lines[cursorY] = a table.insert(lines, cursorY + 1, b) cursorY = cursorY + 1 cursorX = 1 return end local a, b = splitCur() a = a .. ch lines[cursorY] = a .. b cursorX = unicode.len(a) + 1 end local function key(ka, kc, down) if dialogLock then return false end if kc == 29 then ctrlFlag = down return false end -- Action keys if not down then return false end if ctrlFlag then -- Control Action Keys if kc == 200 then -- Up sH = sH - 1 if sH == 0 then sH = 1 end sW, sH = window.setSize(sW, sH) elseif kc == 208 then -- Down sH = sH + 1 sW, sH = window.setSize(sW, sH) elseif kc == 203 then -- Left sW = sW - 1 if sW == 0 then sW = 1 end sW, sH = window.setSize(sW, sH) elseif kc == 205 then -- Right sW = sW + 1 sW, sH = window.setSize(sW, sH) elseif kc == 14 then -- ^Backspace delLine() return true end else -- Non-Control Action Keys -- Basic Action Keys if kc == 200 or kc == 201 then -- Go up one - go up page local moveAmount = 1 if kc == 201 then moveAmount = math.floor(sH / 2) end cursorY = cursorY - moveAmount if cursorY < 1 then cursorY = 1 end clampCursorX() return true elseif kc == 208 or kc == 209 then -- Go down one - go down page local moveAmount = 1 if kc == 209 then moveAmount = math.floor(sH / 2) end cursorY = cursorY + moveAmount if cursorY > #lines then cursorY = #lines end clampCursorX() return true elseif kc == 203 then if cursorX > 1 then cursorX = cursorX - 1 else if cursorY > 1 then cursorY = cursorY - 1 cursorX = unicode.len(lines[cursorY]) + 1 else return false end end return true elseif kc == 205 then cursorX = cursorX + 1 if clampCursorX() then if cursorY < #lines then cursorY = cursorY + 1 cursorX = 1 end end return true end -- Extra Non-Control Keys if kc == 199 then cursorX = 1 return true elseif kc == 207 then cursorX = unicode.len(lines[cursorY]) + 1 return true end -- Major Actions if kc == 59 then -- F1 lines = {""} cursorX = 1 cursorY = 1 return true elseif kc == 61 then -- F3 startLoad() elseif kc == 62 then -- F4 startSave() elseif kc == 63 then -- F5 clipsrc.setSetting("clipboard", lines[cursorY]) elseif kc == 64 then -- F6 local tx = clipsrc.getSetting("clipboard") or "" local txi = tx:find("\n") local nt = {} while txi do table.insert(nt, 1, tx:sub(1, txi - 1)) tx = tx:sub(txi + 1) txi = tx:find("\n") end table.insert(lines, cursorY, tx) for _, v in ipairs(nt) do table.insert(lines, cursorY, v) end return true elseif kc == 65 then -- F7 appendFlag = false elseif kc == 66 then -- F8 if appendFlag then local base = clipsrc.getSetting("clipboard") clipsrc.setSetting("clipboard", base .. "\n" .. delLine()) else clipsrc.setSetting("clipboard", delLine()) end appendFlag = true return true end end -- Letters if ka == 8 or kc == 211 then if cursorX == 1 then if cursorY == 1 then return false end local l = table.remove(lines, cursorY) cursorY = cursorY - 1 cursorX = unicode.len(lines[cursorY]) + 1 lines[cursorY] = lines[cursorY] .. l else local a, b = splitCur() a = unicode.sub(a, 1, unicode.len(a) - 1) lines[cursorY] = a.. b cursorX = cursorX - 1 end return true end if ka ~= 0 then putLetter(unicode.char(ka)) return true end return false end flush = function () for i = 1, sH do window.span(1, i, getline(i), 0xFFFFFF, 0) end end neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime() + 0.5) while true do local e = {coroutine.yield()} if e[1] == "k.timer" and e[2] == focFlag then cFlash = not cFlash local csY = math.ceil(sH / 2) window.span(1, csY, getline(csY), 0xFFFFFF, 0) focFlag = neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime() + 0.5) elseif e[1] == "x.neo.pub.window" then if e[2] == window.id then if e[3] == "line" then window.span(1, e[4], getline(e[4]), 0xFFFFFF, 0) elseif filedialog then elseif e[3] == "touch" then -- reverse: --local rY = (y + cursorY) - math.ceil(sH / 2) local csY = math.ceil(sH / 2) local nY = math.max(1, math.min(#lines, (math.floor(e[5]) - csY) + cursorY)) cursorY = nY clampCursorX() flush() elseif e[3] == "key" then if key(e[4], e[5], e[6]) then flush() end elseif e[3] == "focus" then focFlag = e[4] and neo.scheduleTimer(0) ctrlFlag = false elseif e[3] == "close" then return elseif e[3] == "clipboard" then local t = e[4] for i = 1, unicode.len(t) do local c = unicode.sub(t, i, i) if c ~= "\r" then if c == "\n" then c = "\r" end putLetter(c) end end flush() end elseif cbs[e[2]] then if e[3] == "line" then cbs[e[2]][2](1, 1, cbs[e[2]][3], 0, 0xFFFFFF) elseif e[3] == "close" then cbs[e[2]][1]() cbs[e[2]] = nil end end elseif e[1] == "x.neo.pub.base" and e[2] == "filedialog" and filedialog then filedialog(e[4]) filedialog = nil end end