This is a list of the different additional permissions in KittenOS NEO as distributed, and their purposes. Installable service documentation is provided with the respective -doc packages, and goes under the rs-* namespace. For programs with the prefixes "svc-" or "app-", they can register their services using "r.svc.mysvcname" (for the program "svc-mysvcname"), or "" (for the program "app-myappname") - this MAY have any postfix matching the pattern "/[a-z0-9/%.]*$", or none at all. Examples: Registers from app-nucleus r.svc.nucleus/ABCD: Registers x.svc.nucleus/ABCD from svc-nucleus For how this registration works, and how to access the resulting service, please see the kn-perms document. APIs registered in this manner are accessible to all programs by default. However, local security policy may be altered by the user, and part of's API is to allow locking any of your public APIs. (The user can override this mechanism if they so wish, and this will cause a silent failure of the lockPerm function.) As for the system APIs... -- @ sys-icecap -- Gaining access to this API creates this application's data directory, wherever that is. Paths for the IO parts of this API must start with "/", and must follow the standard KittenOS NEO path safety rules in the kernel. showFileDialogAsync(mode): Shows a filedialog with a given filemode, or nil for "none". Returns a new, empty table as a "tag", and emits a "filedialog" event on completion. myApi: A string such as "" for the program svc-abc, used for automatically finding the correct API name to register for your app. lockPerm(perm): Changes the default permission setting for anything the process should have permission to define according to the matchesSvc function, so that the user must be asked before a program can access the permission. NOTE: LIST REQUIRES "/" AT THE END AND START, WHILE THE REST CANNOT HAVE IT AT THE END BUT MUST AT THE START, BECAUSE THE ROOT IS "/". There's logic here, specifically to stop you trying to do nonsense like deleting your own data directory... list(path): After ensuring that the path has a "/" at the end, lists the contents of a directory accessible to the application. Returns a table containing file/directory names, with "/" postfixes for directories. If this contains the invalid names "." or "..", please report as a bug at once, this shouldn't happen. Everything after here ensures that there is a "/" at the start and no "/" at the end makeDirectory(path): Creates the directory with the given path. Returns whatever the component call did. rename(pathA, pathB): Renames or moves a file or directory around. Returns whatever the component call did. open(path, mode): Opens a file with a given mode (see ul-fwrap for the list of modes). Returns the file object, remove(path): Removes a file. stat(path): "I got lazy, so I took 3 API functions and combined them as one API function!" - 20kdc Returns { isDirectory size lastModified } spaceUsed, spaceTotal, isReadOnly: The filesystem proxy functions. Events: api, "filedialog", tag, res -- @ -- This API must be implemented by any program that the user wants to use as a shell. A shell should set up a Saving Throw with sys-glacier in case of errors. endSession(backToInit): Stops the current session, and optionally starts up sys-init. endSession(false) is for switching to a new shell. endSession(true) is for logging out of the session. getMonitors(): Returns an ipairs- form list of screen addresses for use in disclaimMonitor and the subsequent screens.claim call. disclaimMonitor(address): Disclaims a monitor. Returns true on success. The monitor may be reclaimed if something causes the shell to be notified of the monitor's existence (such as a monitor rescan in Glacier). No events are given. Deregistration is equivalent to stating that you are no longer in control of the session, and that something else is. -- @ sys-everest -- This API is the reference definition of how the windowing system works in KittenOS NEO. -- x.neo.sys.manage @ sys-glacier -- This API is how settings and ST are managed -- x.neo.sys.screens @ sys-glacier -- This API is how screens are managed -- @ sys-glacier -- This API is some public global stuff and spooky screen control??? -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise.