-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-control: Settings changer local settings = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.sys.manage", "management") local globals = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.globals", "gbm") local event = require("event")(neo) local neoux, err = require("neoux") if not neoux then error(err) end neoux = neoux(event, neo) local running = true local mainGen local currentGen local window local function returner() currentGen = mainGen window.reset(currentGen()) end local function scrGen() local tx = {} local elems = { } local y = 1 for k, v in ipairs(globals.getKnownMonitors()) do table.insert(tx, v[1]:sub(1, 16) .. "..." ) table.insert(tx, "") table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(21, y, "max", function (w) globals.changeMonitorSetup(v[1], 320, 200, 32, v[6]) globals.forceRescan() end)) local cw, ch = v[3], v[4] table.insert(elems, neoux.tcfield(1, y + 1, 5, function (tx) if tx then cw = math.max(0, math.floor(tonumber(tx) or 0)) end return tostring(cw) end)) table.insert(elems, neoux.tcfield(6, y + 1, 5, function (tx) if tx then ch = math.max(0, math.floor(tonumber(tx) or 0)) end return tostring(ch) end)) table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(12, y + 1, "set", function (w) globals.changeMonitorSetup(v[1], math.max(cw, 1), math.max(ch, 1), v[5], v[6]) globals.forceRescan() end)) local nx = 8 if v[5] == 8 then nx = 4 elseif v[5] == 4 then nx = 1 end table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(18, y + 1, v[5] .. "b", function (w) globals.changeMonitorSetup(v[1], v[3], v[4], nx, v[6]) globals.forceRescan() end)) local tm = "ti" local to = "yes" if v[6] == "yes" then tm = "TI" to = "no" end table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(22, y + 1, tm, function (w) globals.changeMonitorSetup(v[1], v[3], v[4], v[5], to) globals.forceRescan() end)) y = y + 2 end table.insert(elems, neoux.tcrawview(1, 1, tx)) return 25, #tx, nil, neoux.tcwindow(25, #tx, elems, returner, 0xFFFFFF, 0) end local function logGen() local computer = neo.requireAccess("k.computer", "user management") local tx = { "Password:", " (Keep blank to disable.)", "MC Usernames Allowed:" } local users = table.pack(computer.users()) for k, v in ipairs(users) do tx[k + 3] = " " .. v end local workingName = "" return 25, #tx + 1, nil, neoux.tcwindow(25, #tx + 1, { neoux.tcrawview(1, 1, tx), neoux.tcfield(11, 1, 15, function (str) if str then settings.setSetting("password", str) end return settings.getSetting("password") end), neoux.tcfield(1, #tx + 1, 19, function (str) workingName = str or workingName return workingName end), neoux.tcbutton(20, #tx + 1, "+", function (w) local ok, err = computer.addUser(workingName) if not ok then neoux.startDialog(err) end w.reset(logGen()) end), neoux.tcbutton(23, #tx + 1, "-", function (w) computer.removeUser(workingName) w.reset(logGen()) end), }, returner, 0xFFFFFF, 0) end local advPage = 1 local advPlusH = false local function advAsker(info, def, r, parent) info = unicode.safeTextFormat(info) return function () return 25, 2, nil, neoux.tcwindow(25, 2, { neoux.tcrawview(1, 1, {info}), neoux.tcfield(1, 2, 25, function (tx) def = tx or def return def end) }, function (w) r(def) currentGen = parent w.reset(parent()) end, 0xFFFFFF, 0) end end local function advGen() local set = settings.listSettings() table.sort(set) -- things get complicated here... local pages = math.max(1, math.ceil(#set / 7)) advPage = math.max(1, math.min(advPage, pages)) local elems = { neoux.tcbutton(23, 1, "+", function (w) advPage = advPage + 1 w.reset(advGen()) end), neoux.tcrawview(4, 1, {neoux.pad(advPage .. " / " .. pages, 14, true, true)}), neoux.tcbutton(1, 1, "-", function (w) advPage = advPage - 1 advPlusH = true w.reset(advGen()) end), neoux.tcbutton(18, 1, "add", function (w) currentGen = advAsker("setting ID", "my.setting", function (r) settings.setSetting(r, "") end, currentGen) w.reset(currentGen()) end), } local ofs = (advPage - 1) * 7 for i = 1, 7 do local s = set[i + ofs] if s then local tx = s .. "=" .. (settings.getSetting(s) or "") table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(1, i + 1, unicode.sub(unicode.safeTextFormat(tx), 1, 20), function (w) currentGen = advAsker(s .. ":", settings.getSetting(s) or "", function (r) settings.setSetting(s, r) end, currentGen) w.reset(currentGen()) end)) table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(23, i + 1, "-", function (w) settings.delSetting(s) end)) end end local ph if advPlusH then advPlusH = false ph = 3 end return 25, 8, nil, neoux.tcwindow(25, 8, elems, returner, 0xFFFFFF, 0, ph) end function mainGen() return 25, 8, nil, neoux.tcwindow(25, 8, { neoux.tcbutton(1, 1, "Screens", function (window) currentGen = scrGen window.reset(currentGen()) end), neoux.tcrawview(2, 2, { "Size, depth, touchmode." }), neoux.tcbutton(1, 3, "Login & Access", function (window) currentGen = logGen window.reset(currentGen()) end), neoux.tcrawview(2, 4, { "Allowed users, password." }), neoux.tcbutton(1, 5, "Advanced Settings", function (window) advPage = 1 currentGen = advGen window.reset(currentGen()) end), neoux.tcrawview(2, 6, { "The raw settings data." }), neoux.tchdivider(1, 7, 25), neoux.tcbutton(1, 8, "Relog", function (window) neo.requireAccess("x.neo.sys.session", "Everest session").endSession(true) end), neoux.tcbutton(8, 8, "Reboot", function (window) settings.shutdown(true) end), neoux.tcbutton(16, 8, "Shutdown", function (window) settings.shutdown(false) end), }, function () window.close() running = false end, 0xFFFFFF, 0) end currentGen = mainGen window = neoux.create(currentGen()) while running do local src, id, k, v = event.pull() if src == "x.neo.sys.manage" then if id == "set_setting" then window.reset(currentGen()) end end end