This is a list of the settings, and
 setting formats, in KittenOS NEO.

As "*" is used as a part of some of
 the settings, <> is used to enclose
 a component of a varied name.

-- System-wide permissions --

sys-everest.launcher: The launcher
 application. If not present, then
 app-launcher is used by default.

pub.<anything>: Public settings,
 readable and writable by anything
 with access.

pub.clipboard: The text in the user's
 clipboard. Can include newlines.
 Hardcoded to be non-nil.

perm|*|<permission>: Security policy
 override entry, global. Allows an
 application to set the defaults for
 its own APIs, or for the user to
 override that or any other default.
 If there is a setting here, it must
 be respected unless the user makes a
 direct choice to alter it.
 sys-secpolicy defines this as having
 priority only second to...

perm|<app>|<permission>: Security
 policy override entry for a specific
 application. Solely for use by the
 user to make specific choices about
 the applications on the system.
 The existence or lack of this entry
 must be respected, unless the user
 makes a direct choice to alter it.

-- screen management settings --

scr.w.<monitor>: Width, as a string,
 for a given monitor by address.

scr.h.<monitor>: Height, as a string,
 for a given monitor by address.

scr.d.<monitor>: Depth, as a string,
 for a given monitor by address.

scr.t.<monitor>: Touch invert, given
 as "yes" for true and anything else
 for false (including non-existence),
 for a given monitor by address.

-- sys-init specific settings --

password: The user's password.
 Hardcoded to be non-nil.
 An empty password is considered to
 be "not a password".

sys-init.nologin: If set to "yes",
 the login screen is skipped, even if
 a password is present. The user's shell.
 Not hardcoded to be non-nil, since
 this can be broken in many ways,
 but is hardcoded with "sys-everest"
 as a default, which will replace nil
 the next time sys-glacier starts up.

run.sys-<program beginning with sys->
 This is stage 1 of startup, which
 starts things beginning with "sys-".
 This is required so that security
 policy changeover happens smoothly.
 A value equal to "yes" causes the
 service to be automatically started
 up as the system boots.
 As sys-glacier is needed to read the
 list of processes to start, it is
 always started regardless, and must
 not have an entry here.

run.<any program>: Programs which
 do not begin with "sys-" start up
 during stage 2. As usual, any entry
 with the value of "yes" is started.

-- This is released into
 the public domain.
-- No warranty is provided,
 implied or otherwise.