-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-claw: Package manager. local ldrPkg, _, tgtPkg = ... -- libs & such local event = require("event")(neo) local neoux = require("neoux")(event, neo) local primaryINet = neo.requestAccess("c.internet") if primaryINet then primaryINet = primaryINet.list()() end -- local function readFile(src, url, ocb) local buf = "" local function cb(data) if not data then ocb(buf) else buf = buf .. data buf = buf:gsub("[^\n]*\n", function (t) ocb(t:sub(1, -2)) return "" end) end end if type(src) == "string" then assert(primaryINet, "no internet") local req, err = primaryINet.request(src .. url) assert(req, err) -- OpenComputers#535 req.finishConnect() while true do local n, n2 = req.read(neo.readBufSize) cb(n) if not n then req.close() if n2 then error(n2) else cb(nil) break end else if n == "" then -- slightly dangerous, but what can we do? pcall(event.sleepTo, os.uptime() + 0.05) end end end else if url == "data/app-claw/local.c2l" then for _, v in ipairs(src.list("data/app-claw/")) do ocb(v) end return end local h, e = src.open(url, "rb") assert(h, e) repeat local c = src.read(h, neo.readBufSize) cb(c) until not c src.close(h) end end -- Sources local sources = {} local sourceList = {} -- Use all non-primary filesystems local disks = neo.requireAccess("c.filesystem", "searching disks for packages") local primaryDisk = disks.primary for pass = 1, 3 do for v in disks.list() do local nam = nil if v == primaryDisk then nam = (pass == 1) and "local" elseif v == disks.temporary then nam = (pass == 2) and "ramfs" elseif pass == 3 then nam = v.address end if nam then sources[nam] = v table.insert(sourceList, nam) end end end -- No longer needed disks = nil if primaryINet then sources["inet"] = "http://20kdc.duckdns.org/neo/" table.insert(sourceList, "inet") end -- List scanning for package window local function scanList(content) local lst = {} local lst2 = {} for k, v in pairs(sources) do local ok, err = pcall(readFile, v, "data/app-claw/local.c2l", function (l) if l:sub(-4) == ".c2p" then local lt, ltv = l:sub(1, -5) ltv = lt:match("%.[0-9]+$") if ltv and l:find(content, 1, true) then lt = lt:sub(1, -(#ltv + 1)) lst2[lt] = true end end end) if (not ok) and ((k == "inet") or (k == "local")) then neoux.startDialog(tostring(err), k) end end for k, v in pairs(lst2) do table.insert(lst, k) end table.sort(lst) return lst end -- Beginning Of The App (well, the actual one) local genCurrent, genPrimary, genPackage, primaryWindow local running = true -- primary local primarySearchTx = "" local primaryPage = 1 local primaryList = scanList("") local primaryNextMinus = false -- package local packageLock = nil local packageId = "FIXME" local function describe(pkgs) local lowestV, highestV, myV = {}, {}, {} for pk, pv in ipairs(pkgs) do lowestV[pk] = math.huge highestV[pk] = -math.huge end for k, v in pairs(sources) do pcall(readFile, v, "data/app-claw/local.c2l", function (l) local lp = l:match("%.[0-9]+%.c2p$") for pk, pkg in ipairs(pkgs) do if lp and l:sub(1, -(#lp + 1)) == pkg then local v = tonumber(lp:sub(2, -5)) if k == "local" then myV[pk] = v end lowestV[pk] = math.min(lowestV[pk], v) highestV[pk] = math.max(highestV[pk], v) end end end) end for pk, pkg in ipairs(pkgs) do if lowestV[pk] == math.huge then pkgs[pk] = pkg .. " (ERR)" elseif myV[pk] then if highestV[pk] > myV[pk] then pkgs[pk] = pkg .. " [v" .. myV[pk] .. "!]" elseif lowestV[pk] < myV[pk] then pkgs[pk] = pkg .. " (v" .. myV[pk] .. ") R<" else pkgs[pk] = pkg .. " (v" .. myV[pk] .. ")" end end end end local function primaryWindowRegenCore() local gen, gens = genCurrent() return 25, 14, "claw", neoux.tcwindow(25, 14, gen, function (w) w.close() running = false end, 0xFF8F00, 0, gens) end local function primaryWindowRegen() primaryWindow.reset(primaryWindowRegenCore()) end -- Sections function genPrimary() local minus = (primaryNextMinus and 3) or nil primaryNextMinus = false local pgs = 12 local pages = math.ceil(#primaryList / pgs) local elems = { neoux.tcbutton(23, 1, "+", function (w) if primaryPage < pages then primaryPage = primaryPage + 1 primaryWindowRegen() end end), neoux.tcrawview(4, 1, {neoux.pad(primaryPage .. " / " .. pages, 19, true, true)}), neoux.tcbutton(1, 1, "-", function (w) if primaryPage > 1 then primaryNextMinus = true primaryPage = primaryPage - 1 primaryWindowRegen() end end) } local base = (primaryPage - 1) * pgs local pkgs = {} for i = 1, pgs do local ent = primaryList[base + i] if ent then pkgs[i] = ent end end describe(pkgs) for i = 1, pgs do local ent = primaryList[base + i] if ent then local enttx = pkgs[i] table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(1, i + 1, unicode.safeTextFormat(enttx), function (w) -- FREE UP MEMORY NOW elems = {} w.reset(25, 14, "claw", function (ev) if ev == "close" then w.close() running = false end end) packageId = ent genCurrent = genPackage primaryWindowRegen() end)) end end table.insert(elems, neoux.tcfield(1, 14, 16, function (s) if s then primarySearchTx = s end return primarySearchTx end)) table.insert(elems, neoux.tcbutton(17, 14, "Search!", function (w) primaryPage = 1 primaryList = scanList(primarySearchTx) primaryWindowRegen() end)) return elems, minus end -- local function packageGetBB(src, lclI, srcI, srcW) local buttons = {} if srcI and srcW then table.insert(buttons, { "Del", function (w) w.close() running = false neo.executeAsync("svc-app-claw-worker", sources[src], packageId, nil, src == "local") end }) end if srcI and ((not lclI) or (lclI < srcI)) then table.insert(buttons, { "Get", function (w) w.close() running = false neo.executeAsync("svc-app-claw-worker", sources["local"], packageId, sources[src], true) end }) end if srcW and lclI and not srcI then table.insert(buttons, { "All", function (w) w.close() running = false neo.executeAsync("svc-app-claw-worker", sources[src], packageId, sources["local"], true) end }) table.insert(buttons, { "Put", function (w) w.close() running = false neo.executeAsync("svc-app-claw-worker", sources[src], packageId, sources["local"], false) end }) end return buttons end function genPackage() if packageLock then return {neoux.tcrawview(1, 1, neoux.fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(packageId .. "\n" .. packageLock), 25))} end -- concept: -- mtd -- Multi-Track Drifting -- -- local v20 -- inet v21 -- dir v22 -- crockett local sourceVers = {} local c2pSrc = "local" local c2pVer = -1 for k, v in pairs(sources) do local ok, err = pcall(readFile, v, "data/app-claw/local.c2l", function (l) local lp = l:match("%.[0-9]+%.c2p$") if lp and l:sub(1, -(#lp + 1)) == packageId then sourceVers[k] = tonumber(lp:sub(2, -5)) if c2pVer < sourceVers[k] then c2pSrc = k c2pVer = sourceVers[k] end end end) end if sourceVers["local"] then c2pSrc = "local" c2pVer = sourceVers["local"] end local text = "" local ok = pcall(readFile, sources[c2pSrc], "data/app-claw/" .. packageId .. "." .. c2pVer .. ".c2p", function (l) text = text .. l .. "\n" end) if not ok then text = packageId .. "\nUnable to read v" .. c2pVer .. " c2p from: " .. c2pSrc end local elems = { neoux.tcrawview(1, 1, neoux.fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(text), 25)), neoux.tcbutton(20, 1, "Back", function () if packageLock then return end genCurrent = genPrimary primaryWindowRegen() end) } for k, v in ipairs(sourceList) do local row = 14 + k - #sourceList local pfx = " " if sourceVers[v] then pfx = "v" .. string.format("%04i", sourceVers[v]) .. " " end table.insert(elems, neoux.tcrawview(1, row, {neoux.pad(pfx .. v, 14, false, true)})) local col = 26 local srcW = type(sources[v]) ~= "string" for _, bv in ipairs(packageGetBB(v, sourceVers["local"], sourceVers[v], srcW)) do local b = neoux.tcbutton(col, row, bv[1], bv[2]) col = col - b.w b.x = col table.insert(elems, b) end end return elems end -- if ldrPkg == "svc-app-claw-worker" and tgtPkg then packageId = tgtPkg genCurrent = genPackage else genCurrent = genPrimary end primaryWindow = neoux.create(primaryWindowRegenCore()) while running do event.pull() end