-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- CRITICAL FILE! -- This file defines how your KittenOS NEO system responds to access requests. -- Modification, renaming or deletion can disable security features. -- Usually, a change that breaks the ability for the file to do it's job will cause the "failsafe" to activate, -- and for the system to become unable to run user applications. -- However - I would not like to test this in a situation where said user applications were in any way untrusted, -- for example, if you downloaded them from the Internet, or in particular if someone forwarded them over Discord. -- IRC is usually pretty safe, but no guarantees. -- Returns "allow", "deny", or "ask". local function actualPolicy(pkg, pid, perm, matchesSvc) -- System stuff is allowed. if pkg:sub(1, 4) == "sys-" then return "allow" end -- -- x.neo.pub (aka Icecap) is open to all if perm:sub(1, 10) == "x.neo.pub." then return "allow" end -- These signals are harmless, though they identify HW (as does everything in OC...) if perm == "s.h.component_added" or perm == "s.h.component_removed" or perm == "s.h.tablet_use" or perm == "c.tablet" then return "allow" end if matchesSvc("r.", pkg, perm) then return "allow" end -- Userlevel has no other registration rights if perm:sub(1, 2) == "r." then return "deny" end -- app/svc stuff is world-accessible, -- but note perm|*| overrides this if perm:sub(1, 6) == "x.app." then return "allow" end if perm:sub(1, 6) == "x.svc." then return "allow" end -- For hardware access, ASK! return "ask" end return function (nexus, settings, pkg, pid, perm, rsp, matchesSvc) local res = actualPolicy(pkg, pid, perm, matchesSvc) if settings then res = settings.getSetting("perm|" .. pkg .. "|" .. perm) or settings.getSetting("perm|*|" .. perm) or res end if res == "ask" and nexus then local totalW = 3 + 6 + 2 + 8 local fmt = require("fmttext").fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(string.format("%s/%i wants:\n%s\nAllow this?\n\n", pkg, pid, perm)), totalW) local buttons = { {"", function (w) rsp(false) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end}, {"", function (w) if settings then settings.setSetting("perm|" .. pkg .. "|" .. perm, "allow") end rsp(true) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end}, {"", function (w) rsp(true) nexus.windows[w.id] = nil w.close() end} } local cButton = 0 nexus.create(totalW, #fmt, "security", function (window, ev, a, b, c) while ev do if ev == "line" or ev == "touch" then local cor = b local iev = ev ev = nil if iev == "line" then cor = a if fmt[a] then window.span(1, a, fmt[a], 0xFFFFFF, 0) end end if cor == #fmt then local x = 1 for k, v in ipairs(buttons) do if iev == "line" then if k ~= cButton + 1 then window.span(x, a, v[1], 0xFFFFFF, 0) else window.span(x, a, v[1], 0, 0xFFFFFF) end elseif a >= x and a < (x + #v[1]) then cButton = k - 1 ev = "key" a = 32 b = 0 c = true break end x = x + #v[1] + 1 end end elseif ev == "close" then rsp(false) nexus.windows[window.id] = nil window.close() ev = nil elseif ev == "key" then if c and (a == 9 or b == 205) then cButton = (cButton + 1) % #buttons ev = "line" a = #fmt elseif c and b == 203 then cButton = (cButton - 1) % #buttons ev = "line" a = #fmt elseif c and (a == 13 or a == 32) then buttons[cButton + 1][2](window) ev = nil else ev = nil end else ev = nil end end end) else rsp(res == "allow") end end