-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. return { -- note: everything must already be unicode.safeTextFormat'd draw = function (sW, line, cursorX, rX) -- if no camera, provide a default rX = rX or math.max(1, (cursorX or 1) - math.floor(sW * 2 / 3)) -- transform into area-relative local tl = unicode.sub(line, rX, rX + sW - 1) -- inject cursor if cursorX then cursorX = (cursorX - rX) + 1 if cursorX >= 1 then if cursorX <= sW then tl = unicode.sub(tl, 1, cursorX - 1) .. "_" .. unicode.sub(tl, cursorX + 1) end end end return tl .. (" "):rep(sW - unicode.len(tl)) end, clamp = function (tl, cursorX) tl = unicode.len(tl) if tl < cursorX - 1 then return tl + 1 end return cursorX end, -- returns line, cursorX, special -- return values may be nil if irrelevant key = function (ks, kc, line, cursorX) local cS = unicode.sub(line, 1, cursorX - 1) local cE = unicode.sub(line, cursorX) if kc == 203 then -- navi < if cursorX > 1 then return nil, cursorX - 1 else -- cline underflow return nil, nil, "l<" end elseif kc == 205 then -- navi > local ll = unicode.len(line) if cursorX > ll then -- cline overflow return nil, nil, "l>" end return nil, cursorX + 1 elseif kc == 199 then -- home return nil, 1 elseif kc == 207 then -- end return nil, unicode.len(line) + 1 elseif ks == "\8" or kc == 211 then -- del if cursorX == 1 then -- weld prev return nil, nil, "w<" else cS = unicode.sub(cS, 1, unicode.len(cS) - 1) return cS .. cE, cursorX - 1 end elseif ks then -- standard letters if ks == "\r" then -- new line return nil, nil, "nl" end return cS .. ks .. cE, cursorX + unicode.len(ks) end -- :( end }