#!/bin/sh # This is released into the public domain. # No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. # Package repository using supplied inst.lua (use inst-gold.lua for repository branch) # this is a guard check to avoid removing repobuild if it's blatantly # not the actual repobuild directory (this is an rm -rf after all) stat repobuild/data/app-claw 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null && rm -rf repobuild mkdir -p repobuild cp -r code/* repobuild/ cp -r repository/* repobuild/ cp $1 repobuild/ lua claw/clawconv.lua repobuild/data/app-claw/ < claw/code-claw.lua > repobuild/data/app-claw/local.c2l lua claw/clawconv.lua repobuild/data/app-claw/ < claw/repo-claw.lua >> repobuild/data/app-claw/local.c2l