This is a list of the different additional permissions in KittenOS NEO as distributed, and their purposes. Installable service documentation is provided with the respective -doc packages, and goes under the rs-* namespace. For programs with the prefixes "svc-" or "app-", they can register their services using "r.svc.mysvcname" (for the program "svc-mysvcname"), or "" (for the program "app-myappname") - this MAY have any postfix matching the pattern "/[a-z0-9/%.]*$", or none at all. For how this registration works, and how to access the resulting service, please see the kn-perms document. APIs registered in this manner are accessible to all programs by default. However, local security policy may be altered by the user, and part of's API is to allow locking any of your public APIs. (The user can override this mechanism if they so wish, and this will cause a silent failure of the lockPerm function.) A mechanism may also be introduced in later versions of KittenOS NEO to easily allow changing your svc/app's own API to a "ask"-style security model, but this will not be the default, and may still be overridden by a user with access to the Advanced Settings control panel. As for the system APIs... -- @ sys-icecap -- -- @ -- This API is -- @ -- -- @ -- -- x.neo.sys.manage @ sys-glacier -- -- x.neo.sys.screens @ sys-glacier -- -- @ sys-glacier -- -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise.