-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- neoux: Implements utilities on top of Everest & event: -- Everest crash protection return function (event, neo) -- this is why neo access is 'needed' local function retrieveIcecap() return neo.requestAccess("x.neo.pub.base") end local function retrieveEverest() return neo.requestAccess("x.neo.pub.window") end -- id -> {lclEv, w, h, title, callback} local windows = {} local lclEvToW = {} retrieveEverest() local function everestDied() for _, v in pairs(windows) do v[1] = nil end lclEvToW = {} end local function pushWindowToEverest(k) local everest = retrieveEverest() if not everest then everestDied() return end local v = windows[k] local r, res = pcall(everest, v[2], v[3], v[4]) if not r then everestDied() return else -- res is the window! lclEvToW[res.id] = k windows[k][1] = res end end event.listen("k.registration", function (_, xe) if #windows > 0 then if xe == "x.neo.pub.window" then for k, v in pairs(windows) do pushWindowToEverest(k) end end end end) event.listen("k.deregistration", function (_, xe) if xe == "x.neo.pub.window" then everestDied() end end) event.listen("x.neo.pub.window", function (_, window, tp, ...) if lclEvToW[window] then windows[lclEvToW[window]][5](tp, ...) end end) local neoux = {} neoux.fileDialog = function (forWrite, callback) local sync = false local rtt = nil if not callback then sync = true callback = function (rt) sync = false rtt = rt end end local tag = retrieveIcecap().showFileDialogAsync(forWrite) local f f = function (_, fd, tg, re) if fd == "filedialog" then if tg == tag then callback(re) event.ignore(f) end end end event.listen("x.neo.pub.base", f) while sync do event.pull() end return rtt end -- Creates a wrapper around a window. neoux.create = function (w, h, title, callback) local window = {} local windowCore = {nil, w, h, title, function (...) callback(window, ...) end} local k = #windows + 1 table.insert(windows, windowCore) pushWindowToEverest(k) window.reset = function (w, h, cb) callback = cb if mw or nh then windowCore[2] = nw windowCore[3] = nh end if windowCore[1] then windowCore[1].setSize(windowCore[2], windowCore[3]) end end window.getSize = function () return windowCore[2], windowCore[3] end window.setSize = function (w, h) windowCore[2] = w windowCore[3] = h if windowCore[1] then windowCore[1].setSize(w, h) end end window.span = function (x, y, text, bg, fg) if windowCore[1] then pcall(windowCore[1].span, x, y, text, bg, fg) end end window.close = function () if windowCore[1] then windowCore[1].close() lclEvToW[windowCore[1].id] = nil windowCore[1] = nil end windows[k] = nil end return window end -- Padding function neoux.pad = function (t, len, centre, cut) local l = unicode.len(t) local add = len - l if add > 0 then if centre then t = (" "):rep(math.floor(add / 2)) .. t .. (" "):rep(math.ceil(add / 2)) else t = t .. (" "):rep(add) end end if cut then t = unicode.sub(t, 1, len) end return t end -- Text dialog formatting function. -- Assumes you've run unicode.safeTextFormat if need be neoux.fmtText = function (text, w) local nl = text:find("\n") if nl then local base = text:sub(1, nl - 1) local ext = text:sub(nl + 1) local baseT = neoux.fmtText(base, w) local extT = neoux.fmtText(ext, w) for _, v in ipairs(extT) do table.insert(baseT, v) end return baseT end if unicode.len(text) > w then local lastSpace for i = 1, w do if unicode.sub(text, i, i) == " " then -- Check this isn't an inserted space (unicode safe text format) local ok = true if i > 1 then if unicode.charWidth(unicode.sub(text, i - 1, i - 1)) ~= 1 then ok = false end end if ok then lastSpace = i end end end local baseText, extText if not lastSpace then -- Break at a 1-earlier boundary local wEffect = w if unicode.charWidth(unicode.sub(text, w, w)) ~= 1 then -- Guaranteed to be safe, so wEffect = wEffect - 1 end baseText = unicode.sub(text, 1, wEffect) extText = unicode.sub(text, wEffect + 1) else baseText = unicode.sub(text, 1, lastSpace - 1) extText = unicode.sub(text, lastSpace + 1) end local full = neoux.fmtText(extText, w) table.insert(full, 1, neoux.pad(baseText, w)) return full end return {neoux.pad(text, w)} end -- UI FRAMEWORK -- neoux.tcwindow = function (w, h, controls, closing, bg, fg) local selIndex = #controls if #controls == 0 then selIndex = 1 end local function rotateSelIndex() local original = selIndex while true do selIndex = selIndex + 1 if not controls[selIndex] then selIndex = 1 end if controls[selIndex] then if controls[selIndex].selectable then return end end if selIndex == original then return end end end rotateSelIndex() local function doLine(window, a) window.span(1, a, (" "):rep(w), bg, fg) for k, v in ipairs(controls) do if a >= v.y then if a < (v.y + v.h) then v.line(window, v.x, a, (a - v.y) + 1, bg, fg, selIndex == k) end end end end local function doZone(window, control, cache) for i = 1, control.h do local l = i + control.y - 1 if (not cache) or (not cache[l]) then doLine(window, l) if cache then cache[l] = true end end end end return function (window, ev, a, b, c) if ev == "touch" then local found = nil for k, v in ipairs(controls) do if v.selectable then if a >= v.x then if a < (v.x + v.w) then if b >= v.y then if b < (v.y + v.h) then found = k break end end end end end end if found then local c1 = controls[selIndex] selIndex = found local c2 = controls[selIndex] local cache = {} if c1 then doZone(window, c1, cache) end if c2 then doZone(window, c2, cache) if c2.touch then c2.touch(window, function () doZone(window, c2) end, (a - c2.x) + 1, (b - c2.y) + 1) end end end end if ev == "drag" then if controls[selIndex] then if controls[selIndex].drag then controls[selIndex].drag(window, function () doZone(window, controls[selIndex]) end, (a - controls[selIndex].x) + 1, (b - controls[selIndex].y) + 1) end end end if ev == "key" then if a == 9 then if c then local c1 = controls[selIndex] rotateSelIndex() local c2 = controls[selIndex] local cache = {} if c1 then doZone(window, c1, cache) end if c2 then doZone(window, c2, cache) end end else if controls[selIndex] then if controls[selIndex].key then controls[selIndex].key(window, function () doZone(window, controls[selIndex]) end, a, b, c) end end end end if ev == "line" then doLine(window, a) end if ev == "close" then closing(window) end end, doZone end neoux.tcrawview = function (x, y, lines) return { x = x, y = y, w = unicode.len(lines[1]), h = #lines, selectable = false, line = function (window, x, y, lined, bg, fg, selected) -- Can't be selected normally so ignore that flag window.span(x, y, lines[lined], bg, fg) end } end neoux.tchdivider = function (x, y, w) return neoux.tcrawview(x, y, {("-"):rep(w)}) end neoux.tcvdivider = function (x, y, h) local n = {} for i = 1, h do n[i] = "|" end return neoux.tcrawview(x, y, n) end neoux.tcbutton = function (x, y, text, callback) text = "<" .. text .. ">" return { x = x, y = y, w = unicode.len(text), h = 1, selectable = true, key = function (window, update, a, c, d) if d then if a == 13 or a == 32 then callback(window) end end end, touch = function (window, update, x, y) callback(window) end, line = function (window, x, y, lind, bg, fg, selected) local fg1 = fg if selected then fg = bg bg = fg1 end window.span(x, y, text, bg, fg) end } end -- Note: w should be at least 2 - this is similar to buttons. neoux.tcfield = function (x, y, w, textprop) return { x = x, y = y, w = w, h = 1, selectable = true, key = function (window, update, a, c, d) if d then if a == 13 then elseif a == 8 then local str = textprop() textprop(unicode.sub(str, 1, unicode.len(str) - 1)) update() elseif a ~= 0 then textprop(textprop() .. unicode.char(a)) update() end end end, line = function (window, x, y, lind, bg, fg, selected) local fg1 = fg if selected then fg = bg bg = fg1 end local text = unicode.safeTextFormat(textprop()) local txl = unicode.len(text) local start = math.max(1, (txl - (w - 2)) + 1) text = "[" .. neoux.pad(unicode.sub(text, start, start + (w - 3)), w - 2, false, true) .. "]" window.span(x, y, text, bg, fg) end } end neoux.startDialog = function (fmt, title, wait) fmt = neoux.fmtText(unicode.safeTextFormat(fmt), 20) neoux.create(20, #fmt, title, function (window, ev, a, b, c) if ev == "line" then window.span(1, a, fmt[a], 0xFFFFFF, 0) end if ev == "close" then window.close() wait = nil end end) while wait do event.pull() end end return neoux end