-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- s-everest -- Terminology: -- "monitor": Either the Null Virtual Monitor[0] (a safetynet), -- or an actual GPU/Screen pair managed by Glacier. -- "surface": Everest system-level drawing primitive -- "window" : Everest user-level wrapper around a surface providing a reliable window frame, movement, etc. -- "line" : A Wx1 area across a surface. -- "span" : A ?x1 area across a surface with text and a single fg/bg colour. -- This has less user calls as opposed to the old KittenOS system, which had a high CPU usage. -- Another thing to note is that Everest still uses callbacks, both for efficiency and library convenience, -- though with automatically closing windows on process death. -- How Bristol talks to this is: -- 1. Bristol starts up Everest. Everest does not claim new monitors by default. -- 2. Bristol claims all available monitors to blank out the display -- 3. The user logs in -- 4. Bristol runs "startSession", enabling claiming of free monitors, and then promptly dies. -- 5. Everest claims the new monitors, and the desktop session begins -- 6. Everest dies/respawns, or endSession is called - in both cases, -- Everest is now essentially back at the state in 1. -- 7. Either this is Bristol, so go to 2, -- or this is a screensaver host, and has a saving-throw to start Bristol if it dies unexpectedly. -- In any case, this eventually returns to 2 or 4. local everestProvider = neo.requestAccess("r.neo.pub.window") if not everestProvider then return end local everestSessionProvider = neo.requestAccess("r.neo.sys.session") if not everestSessionProvider then return end -- Got mutexes. Now setup saving throw and shutdown callback -- Something to note is that Donkonit is the safety net on this, -- as it auto-releases the monitors. local screens = neo.requestAccess("x.neo.sys.screens") if not screens then error("Donkonit is required to run Everest") end neo.requestAccess("s.h.clipboard") neo.requestAccess("s.h.touch") neo.requestAccess("s.h.drag") neo.requestAccess("s.h.key_up") neo.requestAccess("s.h.key_down") -- {gpu, screenAddr, w, h, bg, fg} local monitors = {} -- NULL VIRTUAL MONITOR! -- This is where we stuff processes while Bristol isn't online monitors[0] = {nil, nil, 80, 25} -- {monitor, x, y, w, h, callback} -- callback events are: -- key ka kc down -- line y local surfaces = {} -- Dead process's switch to clean up resources by crashing processes which "just don't get it" local dead = false local savingThrow = neo.requestAccess("x.neo.sys.manage") if savingThrow then savingThrow.registerForShutdownEvent() savingThrow.registerSavingThrow(function () if #monitors > 0 then neo.executeAsync("sys-init", monitors[1][2]) end neo.executeAsync("sys-everest") -- In this case the surfaces are leaked and hold references here. They have to be removed manually. -- Do this via a "primary event" (k.deregistration) and "deathtrap events" -- If a process evades the deathtrap then it clearly has reason to stay alive regardless of Everest status. dead = true monitors = {} for _, v in ipairs(surfaces) do pcall(v[6], "line", 1) pcall(v[6], "line", 2) end end) end -- Grab all available monitors when they become available local inSession = false local function renderingAllowed() -- This is a safety feature to prevent implosion due to missing monitors. return #monitors > 0 end local function surfaceAt(monitor, x, y) for k, v in ipairs(surfaces) do if v[1] == monitor then if x >= v[2] then if y >= v[3] then if x < (v[2] + v[4]) then if y < (v[3] + v[5]) then return k, (x - v[2]) + 1, (y - v[3]) + 1 end end end end end end end local function monitorGPUColours(m, cb, bg, fg) local nbg = m[5] local nfg = m[6] if nbg ~= bg then cb.setBackground(bg) m[5] = bg end if nfg ~= fg then cb.setForeground(fg) m[6] = fg end end local function updateRegion(monitorId, x, y, w, h, surfaceSpanCache) if not renderingAllowed() then return end local m = monitors[monitorId] local mg = m[1]() if not mg then return end -- The input region is the one that makes SENSE. -- Considering WC handling, that's not an option. -- WCHAX: start if x > 1 then x = x - 1 w = w + 1 end -- this, in combination with 'forcefully blank out last column of window during render', -- cleans up littering w = w + 1 -- end for span = 1, h do local backgroundMarkStart = nil for sx = 1, w do local t, tx, ty = surfaceAt(monitorId, sx + x - 1, span + y - 1) if t then -- It has to be in this order to get rid of wide char weirdness if backgroundMarkStart then monitorGPUColours(m, mg, 0x000020, 0) mg.fill(backgroundMarkStart + x - 1, span + y - 1, sx - backgroundMarkStart, 1, " ") backgroundMarkStart = nil end if not surfaceSpanCache[t .. "_" .. ty] then surfaceSpanCache[t .. "_" .. ty] = true surfaces[t][6]("line", ty) end elseif not backgroundMarkStart then backgroundMarkStart = sx end end if backgroundMarkStart then local m = monitors[monitorId] monitorGPUColours(m, mg, 0x000020, 0) mg.fill(backgroundMarkStart + x - 1, span + y - 1, (w - backgroundMarkStart) + 1, 1, " ") end end end local function ensureOnscreen(monitor, x, y, w, h) if monitor <= 0 then monitor = #monitors end if monitor >= (#monitors + 1) then monitor = 1 end -- Failing anything else, revert to monitor 0 if #monitors == 0 then monitor = 0 end x = math.min(math.max(1, x), monitors[monitor][3] - (w - 1)) y = math.min(math.max(1, y), monitors[monitor][4] - (h - 1)) return monitor, x, y end -- This is the "a state change occurred" function, only for use when needed local function reconcileAll() for k, v in ipairs(surfaces) do -- About to update whole screen anyway so avoid the wait. v[1], v[2], v[3] = ensureOnscreen(v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5]) end for k, v in ipairs(monitors) do local mon = v[1]() if mon then v[3], v[4] = mon.getResolution() end v[5] = -1 v[6] = -1 updateRegion(k, 1, 1, v[3], v[4], {}) end end local function moveSurface(surface, m, x, y, w, h) local om, ox, oy, ow, oh = table.unpack(surface, 1, 5) m = m or om x = x or ox y = y or oy w = w or ow h = h or oh surface[1], surface[2], surface[3], surface[4], surface[5] = m, x, y, w, h local cache = {} if om == m then if ow == w then if oh == h then -- Cheat - perform a GPU copy -- this increases "apparent" performance while we're inevitably waiting for the app to catch up, -- CANNOT glitch since we're going to draw over this later, -- and will usually work since the user can only move focused surfaces if renderingAllowed() then local cb = monitors[m][1]() if cb then cb.copy(ox, oy, w, h, x - ox, y - oy) end end end end end updateRegion(om, ox, oy, ow, oh, cache) updateRegion(m, x, y, w, h, cache) end -- Returns offset from where we expected to be to where we are. local function ofsSurface(focus, dx, dy) local exX, exY = focus[2] + dx, focus[3] + dy local m, x, y = ensureOnscreen(focus[1], exX, exY, focus[4], focus[5]) moveSurface(focus, nil, x, y) return focus[2] - exX, focus[3] - exY end local function ofsMSurface(focus, dm) local m, x, y = ensureOnscreen(focus[1] + dm, focus[2], focus[3], focus[4], focus[5]) moveSurface(focus, m, x, y) end local function handleSpan(target, x, y, text, bg, fg) if not renderingAllowed() then return end local m = monitors[target[1]] local cb = m[1]() if not cb then return end -- It is assumed basic type checks were handled earlier. if y < 1 then return end if y > target[5] then return end if x < 1 then return end -- Note the use of unicode.len here. -- It's assumed that if the app is using Unicode text, then it used safeTextFormat earlier. -- This works for a consistent safety check. local w = unicode.len(text) if ((x + w) - 1) > target[4] then return end -- Checks complete, now commence screen cropping... local worldY = ((y + target[3]) - 1) if worldY < 1 then return end if worldY > monitors[target[1]][4] then return end -- The actual draw loop local buildingSegmentWX = nil local buildingSegmentWY = nil local buildingSegment = nil local buildingSegmentE = nil local function submitSegment() if buildingSegment then base = unicode.sub(text, buildingSegment, buildingSegmentE - 1) local ext = unicode.sub(text, buildingSegmentE, buildingSegmentE) if unicode.charWidth(ext) == 1 then base = base .. ext else -- While the GPU may or may not be able to display "half a character", -- getting it to do so reliably is another matter. -- In my experience it always leads to drawing errors much worse than if the code was left alone. -- If your language uses wide chars and you are affected by a window's positioning... -- ... may I ask how, exactly, you intend me to fix it? -- My current theory is that for cases where the segment is >= 2 chars (so we have scratchpad), -- the GPU might be tricked via a copy. -- Then the rest of the draw can proceed as normal, -- with the offending char removed. base = base .. " " end monitorGPUColours(m, cb, bg, fg) cb.set(buildingSegmentWX, buildingSegmentWY, unicode.undoSafeTextFormat(base)) buildingSegment = nil end end for i = 1, w do local rWX = (i - 1) + (x - 1) + target[2] local rWY = (y - 1) + target[3] local s = surfaceAt(target[1], rWX, rWY) local ok = false if s then ok = surfaces[s] == target end if ok then if not buildingSegment then buildingSegmentWX = rWX buildingSegmentWY = rWY buildingSegment = i end buildingSegmentE = i else submitSegment() end end submitSegment() end local function changeFocus(oldSurface, optcache) local ns1 = surfaces[1] optcache = optcache or {} if ns1 ~= oldSurface then if oldSurface then oldSurface[6]("focus", false) end if ns1 then ns1[6]("focus", true) end if oldSurface then updateRegion(oldSurface[1], oldSurface[2], oldSurface[3], oldSurface[4], oldSurface[5], optcache) end if ns1 then updateRegion(ns1[1], ns1[2], ns1[3], ns1[4], ns1[5], optcache) end end end -- THE EVEREST USER API BEGINS local surfaceOwners = {} -- Not relevant here really, but has to be up here because it closes the window local waitingShutdownCallback = nil local function checkWSC() if waitingShutdownCallback then if #surfaces == 0 then waitingShutdownCallback() waitingShutdownCallback = nil end end end everestProvider(function (pkg, pid, sendSig) local base = pkg .. "/" .. pid local lid = 0 return function (w, h, title) if dead then error("everest died") end w = math.floor(math.max(w, 8)) h = math.floor(math.max(h, 1)) + 1 if type(title) ~= "string" then title = base else title = base .. ":" .. title end local m = 0 if renderingAllowed() then m = 1 end local surf = {m, 1, 1, w, h} local focusState = false local llid = lid lid = lid + 1 local specialDragHandler surf[6] = function (ev, a, b, c) -- Must forward surface events if ev == "focus" then focusState = a end if ev == "touch" then specialDragHandler = nil if math.floor(b) == 1 then specialDragHandler = function (x, y) local ofsX, ofsY = math.floor(x) - math.floor(a), math.floor(y) - math.floor(b) if (ofsX == 0) and (ofsY == 0) then return end local pX, pY = ofsSurface(surf, ofsX, ofsY) --a = a + pX --b = b + pY end return end b = b - 1 end if ev == "drag" then if specialDragHandler then specialDragHandler(a, b) return end b = b - 1 end if ev == "line" then if a == 1 then local lw = surf[4] local bg = 0x0080FF local fg = 0x000000 local tx = "-" if focusState then bg = 0x000000 fg = 0x0080FF tx = "+" end local vtitle = title local vto = unicode.len(vtitle) if vto < lw then vtitle = vtitle .. (tx):rep(lw - vto) else vtitle = unicode.sub(vtitle, 1, lw) end handleSpan(surf, 1, 1, vtitle, bg, fg) return end -- WCHAX : Wide-char-cleanup has to be done left-to-right, so this handles the important part of that. handleSpan(surf, surf[4], a, " ", 0, 0) a = a - 1 end sendSig(llid, ev, a, b, c) end local osrf = surfaces[1] table.insert(surfaces, 1, surf) surfaceOwners[surf] = pid changeFocus(osrf) return { id = llid, setSize = function (w, h) if dead then return end w = math.floor(math.max(w, 8)) h = math.floor(math.max(h, 1)) + 1 local _, x, y = ensureOnscreen(surf[1], surf[2], surf[3], w, h) moveSurface(surf, nil, x, y, w, h) return w, (h - 1) end, span = function (x, y, text, bg, fg) if dead then error("everest died") end if type(x) ~= "number" then error("X must be number.") end if type(y) ~= "number" then error("Y must be number.") end if type(bg) ~= "number" then error("Background must be number.") end if type(fg) ~= "number" then error("Foreground must be number.") end if type(text) ~= "string" then error("Text must be string.") end x, y, bg, fg = math.floor(x), math.floor(y), math.floor(bg), math.floor(fg) if y == 0 then return end handleSpan(surf, x, y + 1, text, bg, fg) end, close = function () if dead then return end local os1 = surfaces[1] surfaceOwners[surf] = nil for k, v in ipairs(surfaces) do if v == surf then table.remove(surfaces, k) local cache = {} checkWSC() changeFocus(os1, cache) -- focus up to date, deal with any remains updateRegion(surf[1], surf[2], surf[3], surf[4], surf[5], cache) return end end end } end end) -- THE EVEREST USER API ENDS (now for the session API, which just does boring stuff) everestSessionProvider(function (pkg, pid, sendSig) return { startSession = function () inSession = true end, endSession = function (startBristol) if not inSession then return end local m = nil if monitors[1] then m = monitors[1][2] end inSession = false for k = 1, #monitors do screens.disclaim(monitors[k][2]) monitors[k] = nil end if startBristol then neo.executeAsync("sys-init", m) end reconcileAll() if not startBristol then return m end end } end) -- THE EVEREST SESSION API ENDS -- WM shortcuts are: -- Alt-Z: Switch surface -- Alt-Enter: Launcher -- Alt-Up/Down/Left/Right: Move surface local isAltDown = false local isCtrDown = false local function key(ka, kc, down) local focus = surfaces[1] if kc == 29 then isCtrDown = down end if kc == 56 then isAltDown = down end if isAltDown then if ka == 120 then if focus and down then ofsMSurface(focus, 1) end return end if kc == 200 then if focus and down then ofsSurface(focus, 0, -1) end return end if kc == 208 then if focus and down then ofsSurface(focus, 0, 1) end return end if kc == 203 then if focus and down then ofsSurface(focus, -1, 0) end return end if kc == 205 then if focus and down then ofsSurface(focus, 1, 0) end return end if ka == 122 then if focus and down then local n = table.remove(surfaces, 1) table.insert(surfaces, n) changeFocus(n) end return end if ka == 3 then -- Ctrl-Alt-C (!?!?!!) if isCtrDown then error("User-authorized Everest crash.") end end if ka == 99 then if down then if isCtrDown then error("User-authorized Everest crash.") else if focus then focus[6]("close") end end end return end if ka == 13 then if down and (not waitingShutdownCallback) then neo.executeAsync("app-launcher") end return end end if focus then focus[6]("key", ka, kc, down) end end while true do local s = {coroutine.yield()} if renderingAllowed() then if s[1] == "h.key_down" then key(s[3], s[4], true) end if s[1] == "h.key_up" then key(s[3], s[4], false) end if s[1] == "h.clipboard" then if surfaces[1] then surfaces[1][6]("clipboard", s[3]) end end -- next on my list: high-res coordinates if s[1] == "h.touch" then for k, v in ipairs(monitors) do if v[2] == s[2] then local x, y = math.floor(s[3]), math.floor(s[4]) local sid, lx, ly = surfaceAt(k, x, y) if sid then local os = surfaces[1] local ns = table.remove(surfaces, sid) table.insert(surfaces, 1, ns) changeFocus(os) ns[6]("touch", lx, ly) end break end end end if s[1] == "h.drag" then -- Pass to focus surface, even if out of bounds local focus = surfaces[1] if focus then for k, v in ipairs(monitors) do if v[2] == s[2] then if k == focus[1] then local x, y = (math.floor(s[3]) - focus[2]) + 1, (math.floor(s[4]) - focus[3]) + 1 focus[6]("drag", x, y) end break end end end end else isCtrDown = false isAltDown = false end if s[1] == "k.procdie" then local os1 = surfaces[1] -- Note this is in order (that's important) local tags = {} for k, v in ipairs(surfaces) do if surfaceOwners[v] == s[3] then table.insert(tags, k) surfaceOwners[v] = nil end end for k, v in ipairs(tags) do local surf = table.remove(surfaces, v - (k - 1)) updateRegion(surf[1], surf[2], surf[3], surf[4], surf[5], {}) end checkWSC() changeFocus(os1) end if s[1] == "x.neo.sys.screens" then if s[2] == "available" then if inSession then local gpu = screens.claim(s[3]) local gpucb = gpu and (gpu()) if gpucb then local w, h = gpucb.getResolution() table.insert(monitors, {gpu, s[3], w, h, -1, -1}) -- This is required to ensure windows are moved off of the null monitor. -- Luckily, there's an obvious sign if they aren't - everest will promptly crash. reconcileAll() end end end if s[2] == "lost" then for k, v in ipairs(monitors) do if v[2] == s[3] then table.remove(monitors, k) reconcileAll() break end end end end if s[1] == "x.neo.sys.manage" then if s[2] == "shutdown" then waitingShutdownCallback = s[4] for k, v in ipairs(surfaces) do v[6]("close") end checkWSC() end end end