-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-taskmgr: Task manager -- a-hello : simple test program for Everest. local everest = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "main window") local kill = neo.requestAccess("k.kill") local sW, sH = 20, 8 local headlines = 2 local window = everest(sW, sH) local lastIdleTimeTime = os.uptime() local lastIdleTime = neo.totalIdleTime() local cpuPercent = 100 local lastCPUTimeRecord = {} local cpuCause = "(none)" local camY = 1 -- elements have {pid, text} local consistentProcList = {} local function drawLine(n) local red = false local idx = (camY + n) - (headlines + 1) local stat = ("~"):rep(sW) if n == 1 then -- x.everest redraw. Since this window only has one line... local usage = math.floor((os.totalMemory() - os.freeMemory()) / 1024) stat = usage .. "/" .. math.floor(os.totalMemory() / 1024) .. "K, CPU " .. cpuPercent .. "%" red = true elseif n == 2 then stat = "MAX:" .. cpuCause red = true elseif consistentProcList[idx] then if idx == camY then stat = ">" .. consistentProcList[idx][2] else stat = " " .. consistentProcList[idx][2] end end stat = unicode.safeTextFormat(stat) while unicode.len(stat) < sW do stat = stat .. " " end if red then window.span(1, n, unicode.sub(stat, 1, sW), 0xFFFFFF, 0) else window.span(1, n, unicode.sub(stat, 1, sW), 0x000000, 0xFFFFFF) end end local function updateConsistentProcList(pt, lp) local tbl = {} local tbl2 = {} local tbl3 = {} for _, v in ipairs(pt) do table.insert(tbl, v[1]) tbl2[v[1]] = v[2] .. "/" .. v[1] .. " " .. tostring(lp[v[1]]) .. "%" end table.sort(tbl) for k, v in ipairs(tbl) do tbl3[k] = {v, tbl2[v]} end consistentProcList = tbl3 end local p = os.uptime() neo.scheduleTimer(p) while true do local n = {coroutine.yield()} if n[1] == "x.neo.pub.window" then if n[3] == "line" then drawLine(n[4]) end if n[3] == "close" then return end if n[3] == "key" then if n[6] then if n[4] == 8 then if consistentProcList[camY] then kill(consistentProcList[camY][1]) end end if n[5] == 200 then camY = camY - 1 if camY < 1 then camY = 1 end for i = (headlines + 1), sH do drawLine(i) end end if n[5] == 208 then camY = camY + 1 for i = (headlines + 1), sH do drawLine(i) end end end end end if n[1] == "k.timer" then local now = os.uptime() local nowIT = neo.totalIdleTime() local tD = now - lastIdleTimeTime local iD = nowIT - lastIdleTime cpuPercent = math.ceil(((tD - iD) / tD) * 100) lastIdleTimeTime = now lastIdleTime = nowIT local newRecord = {} cpuCause = "(none)" local causeUsage = 0 local pt = neo.listProcs() local localPercent = {} for _, v in ipairs(pt) do -- pkg, pid, cpuTime local baseline = 0 if lastCPUTimeRecord[v[1]] then baseline = lastCPUTimeRecord[v[1]] end local val = v[3] - baseline localPercent[v[1]] = math.ceil(100 * (val / tD)) if causeUsage < val then cpuCause = v[2] .. "/" .. v[1] causeUsage = val end newRecord[v[1]] = v[3] end lastCPUTimeRecord = newRecord updateConsistentProcList(pt, localPercent) for i = 1, sH do drawLine(i) end p = p + 1 neo.scheduleTimer(p) end end