-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-metamachine.lua : Virtual Machine -- Authors: 20kdc local loaderPkg, loaderPid, vmName = ... local icecap = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.base", "fs") local libVGPU = require("metamachine-vgpu") local vmBaseCoroutineWrap local vmComponent, vmComputer, vmOs local vmEnvironment local vmSelfdestruct = false local vmSuperVM = true local signalStack = {} local postVMRList = {} -- File structure: -- vm-* : Virtual machine configuration -- vm- local vmConfiguration = { -- true : Physical -- {type, ...} : Virtual -- NOTE : The following rules are set. -- k-computer always exists -- k-gpu always exists -- k-log always exists -- k-tmpfs always exists in non-Super VMs ["world"] = {"filesystem", "/", false}, ["eeprom"] = {"eeprom", "/confboot.lua", "/confdata.bin", "Configurator", true}, ["screen"] = {"screen", "configurator", 50, 15, 8} } if vmName then neo.ensurePathComponent("vm-" .. vmName) vmSuperVM = false local f = icecap.open("/vm-" .. vmName, false) vmConfiguration = require("serial").deserialize(f.read("*a")) f.close() if not vmConfiguration then error("The VM configuration was unloadable.") end vmConfiguration["k-tmpfs"] = {"filesystem", "/vt-" .. vmName .. "/", false} end local function clone(t) if type(t) == "table" then local b = {} for k, v in pairs(t) do b[k] = v end return b end return t end -- by window ID = {address, internal} local screensInt = { } -- by component address = callback local screensAll = { } local tmpAddress = "k-tmpfs" local passthroughs = {} local components = { ["k-computer"] = { type = "computer", beep = function () end, start = function () return false end, stop = function () vmSelfdestruct = true coroutine.yield(0.05) end, isRunning = function () return true end, getProgramLocations = function () -- Entries of {"file", "lootdisk"} return {} end }, ["k-gpu"] = libVGPU.newGPU(screensAll), ["k-log"] = { type = "ocemu", log = neo.emergency } } -- Clones of components made on-demand. local proxies = {} setmetatable(proxies, {__mode = "v"}) vmComponent = { list = function (filter, exact) -- This is an iterator :( local t = {} local tk = {} for k, v in pairs(components) do local ok = false if filter then if v.type == filter or ((not exact) and v.type:match(filter, 1, true)) then ok = true end else ok = true end if ok then table.insert(t, {k, v.type}) tk[k] = v.type end end setmetatable(tk, { __call = function () local tr1 = table.remove(t, 1) if not tr1 then return end return table.unpack(tr1) end }) return tk end, invoke = function (com, me, ...) if not components[com] then error("no component " .. com) end if not components[com][me] then error("no method " .. com .. "." .. me) end return components[com][me](...) end, proxy = function (com) if not components[com] then return nil, "no such component" end local p = proxies[com] if p then return p end p = clone(components[com]) p.address = com p.fields = {} p.slot = 0 proxies[com] = p return p end, type = function (com) if not components[com] then return nil, "no such component" end return components[com].type end, methods = function (com) local mt = {} for k, v in pairs(components[address]) do if type(v) == "function" then mt[k] = true end end return mt end, fields = function (com) -- This isn't actually supported, -- because fields are bad-sec nonsense. -- Luckily, everybody knows this, so nobody uses them. return {} end, doc = function (address, method) if not components[address] then error("No such component " .. address) end if not components[address][method] then error("No such method " .. method) end return tostring(components[address][method]) end } -- Prepare configured components local insertionCallbacks = { ["screen"] = function (address, title, w, h, d) local activeLines = {} local scrW = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "primary window")(w, h, title) local gpuC, scrI, scrC gpuC, scrI, scrC = libVGPU.newBuffer(scrW, {address .. "-kb"}, w, h, function (nw, nh) table.insert(signalStack, {"screen_resized", address, nw, nh}) end, function (l) if activeLines[l] then return end activeLines[l] = true table.insert(postVMRList, function () scrI.line(l) activeLines = {} end) end) components[address] = scrC components[address .. "-kb"] = {type = "keyboard"} screensInt[scrW.id] = {address, scrI} screensAll[address] = gpuC end, ["eeprom"] = function (address, boot, data, name, ro) local codeSize = 4096 local dataSize = 256 local function getCore(fd) local f = icecap.open(fd, false) if not f then return "" end local contents = f.read("*a") f.close() return contents end local function setCore(fd, size, contents, important) checkArg(1, contents, "string") if #contents > size then return nil, "too large" end if ro and important then return nil, "storage is readonly" end local f = icecap.open(fd, true) if not f then return nil, "storage is readonly" end f.write(contents) f.close() return true end components[address] = { type = "eeprom", get = function () return getCore(boot) end, set = function (contents) return setCore(boot, codeSize, contents, true) end, makeReadonly = function () ro = true return true end, getChecksum = function () return "00000000" end, getSize = function () return codeSize end, getDataSize = function () return dataSize end, getData = function () return getCore(data) end, setData = function (contents) return setCore(data, dataSize, contents, false) end } end, ["filesystem"] = function (address, path, ro) components[address] = require("metamachine-vfs")(icecap, address, path, ro) end } for k, v in pairs(vmConfiguration) do if type(v) == "string" then local root = neo.requireAccess("k.root", "component passthrough") local ty = root.component.type(k) if ty then passthroughs[k] = true components[k] = root.component.proxy(k) if ty == "screen" then -- Need to ensure the screen in question is for the taking local div = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.sys.session", "ability to divorce screens") div.disclaimMonitor(k) local div2 = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.sys.screens", "ability to claim screens") screensAll[k] = div2.claim(k) assert(screensAll[k], "Hardware screen " .. k .. " unavailable.") end end else assert(insertionCallbacks[v[1]], "Cannot insert virtual " .. v[1]) insertionCallbacks[v[1]](k, table.unpack(v, 2)) end end vmOs = clone(os) vmComputer = {} vmComputer.shutdown = function (...) vmSelfdestruct = true coroutine.yield(0.05) end vmComputer.pushSignal = function (...) table.insert(signalStack, {...}) end vmComputer.pullSignal = function (time) if not signalStack[1] then if type(time) == "number" then time = time + os.uptime() coroutine.yield(time) if not signalStack[1] then return end else while not signalStack[1] do coroutine.yield(math.huge) end end end return table.unpack(table.remove(signalStack, 1)) end vmComputer.totalMemory = os.totalMemory vmOs.totalMemory = nil vmComputer.freeMemory = os.freeMemory vmOs.freeMemory = nil vmComputer.energy = os.energy vmOs.energy = nil vmComputer.maxEnergy = os.maxEnergy vmOs.maxEnergy = nil local startupUptime = os.uptime() vmComputer.uptime = function () return os.uptime() - startupUptime end vmOs.uptime = nil vmComputer.address = os.address vmOs.address = nil vmComputer.isRobot = function () return false end vmComputer.address = function () return "k-computer" end vmComputer.tmpAddress = function () return tmpAddress end local eepromAddress = "k-eeprom" vmComputer.getBootAddress = function () return eepromAddress end vmComputer.setBootAddress = function (a) eepromAddress = a end vmComputer.users = function () return {} end vmComputer.addUser = function () return false, "user support not available" end vmComputer.removeUser = function () return false, "user support not available" end vmComputer.beep = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "beep", ...) end vmComputer.getDeviceInfo = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "getDeviceInfo", ...) end vmComputer.getProgramLocations = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "getProgramLocations", ...) end vmComputer.getArchitectures = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "getArchitectures", ...) end vmComputer.getArchitecture = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "getArchitecture", ...) end vmComputer.setArchitecture = function (...) return vmComponent.invoke("k-computer", "setArchitecture", ...) end vmUnicode = clone(unicode) vmUnicode.safeTextSupport = nil vmUnicode.undoSafeTextSupport = nil vmEnvironment = { _VERSION = _VERSION, component = vmComponent, computer = vmComputer, table = clone(table), math = clone(math), string = clone(string), unicode = vmUnicode, -- Scheme here: -- A yield's first argument is nil for an actual yield, -- or the time to add a timer at (math.huge if no timeout) for a pullSignal. -- This is not exactly the same, but is very similar, to that of machine.lua, -- differing mainly in how pullSignal timeout scheduling occurs. coroutine = { yield = function (...) return coroutine.yield(nil, ...) end, -- The way this is defined by machine.lua makes it true even when it arguably shouldn't be. Oh well. isyieldable = coroutine.isyieldable, status = coroutine.status, create = function (f) return coroutine.create(function (...) return nil, f(...) end) end, running = coroutine.running, wrap = function (f) local pf = coroutine.wrap(function (...) return nil, f(...) end) return function (...) local last = {...} while true do local tabpack = {pf(table.unpack(last))} if not tabpack[1] then return table.unpack(tabpack, 2) end last = {coroutine.yield(tabpack[1])} end end end, resume = function (co, ...) local last = {...} while true do local tabpack = {coroutine.resume(co, table.unpack(last))} if not tabpack[1] then neo.emergency(co, table.unpack(tabpack)) return table.unpack(tabpack) elseif not tabpack[2] then return tabpack[1], table.unpack(tabpack, 3) end last = {coroutine.yield(tabpack[2])} end end }, os = vmOs, debug = clone(debug), bit32 = clone(bit32), utf8 = clone(utf8), assert = assert, ipairs = ipairs, next = next, load = function (a, b, c, d) if rawequal(d, nil) then d = vmEnvironment end return load(a, b, c, d) end, pairs = pairs, pcall = function (...) local r = {pcall(...)} if not r[1] then neo.emergency("pcall error:", table.unpack(r, 2)) end return table.unpack(r) end, xpcall = xpcall, select = select, type = type, error = error, tonumber = tonumber, tostring = tostring, setmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable = getmetatable, rawset = rawset, rawget = rawget, rawlen = rawlen, rawequal = rawequal, checkArg = checkArg } vmEnvironment._G = vmEnvironment if vmSuperVM then vmEnvironment._MMstartVM = function (vmName) neo.executeAsync("app-metamachine", vmName) end vmEnvironment._MMserial = function (...) return require("serial").serialize(...) end vmEnvironment._MMdeserial = function (...) return require("serial").deserialize(...) end vmEnvironment.print = neo.emergency local root = neo.requestAccess("k.root") if root then vmEnvironment._MMcomList = root.component.list else vmEnvironment._MMcomList = function () return function () end end end end -- bootstrap vmBaseCoroutineWrap = coroutine.wrap(function () vmBaseCoroutine = coroutine.running() eepromAddress = vmComponent.list("eeprom")() if not eepromAddress then error("No EEPROM") end local code = vmComponent.invoke(eepromAddress, "get") local res, f = load(code, "=eeprom", "t", vmEnvironment) if not res then error(f) else res() end end) while ((not vmBaseCoroutine) or (coroutine.status(vmBaseCoroutine) ~= "dead")) and not vmSelfdestruct do local details = {vmBaseCoroutineWrap()} while postVMRList[1] do table.remove(postVMRList, 1)() end if details[1] then local checkTimer = nil if details[1] ~= math.huge then checkTimer = neo.scheduleTimer(details[1]) --neo.emergency("metamachine timer " .. details[1]) else --neo.emergency("metamachine HANG") end while true do local ev = {coroutine.yield()} if ev[1] == "k.timer" then if ev[2] == checkTimer then break end elseif ev[1]:sub(1, 2) == "h." then if passthroughs[ev[2]] then ev[1] = ev[1]:sub(3) table.insert(signalStack, ev) break end elseif ev[1] == "x.neo.pub.window" then local id = ev[2] if ev[3] == "key" then if ev[6] then table.insert(signalStack, {"key_down", screensInt[id][1] .. "-kb", ev[4], ev[5], "neo"}) else table.insert(signalStack, {"key_up", screensInt[id][1] .. "-kb", ev[4], ev[5], "neo"}) end break elseif ev[3] == "line" then screensInt[id][2].line(ev[4]) elseif ev[3] == "touch" or ev[3] == "drag" or ev[3] == "drop" or ev[3] == "scroll" then local x = ev[4] local y = ev[5] if screensInt[id][2].precise then x = (x - 1) + ev[6] y = (y - 1) + ev[7] end table.insert(signalStack, {ev[3], screensInt[id][1], x, y, ev[8], "neo"}) break elseif ev[3] == "close" then return end end end else error("Yield in root coroutine") end end