-- KOSNEO installer base -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- DECOMPRESSION ENGINE PRECEDES THIS CODE -- -- NOTE: upper-case is reserved for this file, -- lower-case is reserved for the decompression engine -- A: temporary -- B: computer -- C: component -- D: additional temporary -- E: read-in state machine -- F: current file: filename -- H: remaining bytes to copy/skip -- I: current file: handle (nil if not writing) -- J: sectors handled -- K: sector count (injected during build) -- L: compression engine data function (set by CE) -- M: sector handler function (called by CE) -- O: current character for read-in state machine -- P: file handle for selfread -- Q: octal decoding function -- X: screen address -- Y: component: gpu -- Z: component: filesystem B = computer C = component assert(C, "To install, please copy as init.lua to a blank disk or a system to update, then remove all other disks and reboot.") X = C.list("screen", true)() Y = C.list("gpu", true)() Z = C.proxy(B.getBootAddress()) Z.remove("init.neoi.lua") Z.rename("init.lua","init.neoi.lua") P = Z.open("init.neoi.lua","rb") F = "Starting..." H = 0 if X and Y then Y = C.proxy(Y) Y.bind(X) Y.setResolution(50, 5) Y.setBackground(2^24-1) Y.setForeground(0) Y.fill(1, 1, 50, 5, "█") Y.fill(1, 2, 50, 1, " ") Y.set(2, 2, "KittenOS NEO Installer") end function Q(A) if A == "" then return 0 end return Q(A:sub(1, -2)) * 8 + (A:byte(#A) - 48) end J = 0 function M(n) if H > 0 then A = math.min(512, H) H = H - A if I then Z.write(I, n:sub(1, A)) if H <= 0 then Z.close(I) I = nil end end else F = n:sub(1, 100):gsub("\x00", "") -- this sets up the reading/skipping of data H = Q(n:sub(125, 135)) if F:sub(1, 2) == "./" and F ~= "./" then F = F:sub(3) if F:sub(#F) == "/" then Z.makeDirectory(F) else I = Z.open(F, "wb") if H == 0 then Z.close(I) I = nil end end end end -- UPDATE DISPLAY -- J = J + 1 if X and Y then Y.fill(1, 2, 50, 1, " ") Y.set(2, 2, "KittenOS NEO Installer : " .. F) Y.fill(2, 4, 48, 1, "█") Y.fill(2, 4, math.ceil(48 * J / K), 1, " ") end if J % 8 == 0 then B.pullSignal(0.01) end if J == K then Z.close(P) Z.remove("init.neoi.lua") B.shutdown(true) end end while true do A = Z.read(P, 64) if not A then L() -- IF WE GET HERE, -- YOU BROKE SOMETHING! A() end D = "" for i = 1, #A do -- Read-in state machine O = A:sub(i, i) if not E then if O == "\x00" then E = 0 end elseif E == 0 then if O == "\xFE" then E = 1 else D = D .. O end else D = D .. O E = 0 end end L(D) end -- COMPRESSED DATA FOLLOWS THIS CODE --