-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- PREPROC (r9 edition): preprocess input to be 7-bit local -- SHARED WITH DECOMPRESSION ENGINE function p(x, y) if x == 126 then if y >= 32 then return ({ -- Before adding to this, check how installer size is changed. "\x7E", "\x7F" })[y - 31], 3 end return string.char(y), 3 elseif x == 127 then return string.char(128 + y), 3 elseif x >= 32 then return string.char(x), 2 elseif x == 31 then return "\n", 2 elseif x == 30 then return "\x00", 2 end return string.char(("enart"):byte(x % 5 + 1), ("ndtelh"):byte(math.floor(x / 5) + 1)), 2 end local preprocParts = {} local preprocMaxLen = 0 for i = 0, 127 do for j = 0, 127 do local d, l = p(i, j) if d then preprocMaxLen = math.max(preprocMaxLen, #d) l = l - 1 if (not preprocParts[d]) or (#preprocParts[d] > l) then if l == 2 then preprocParts[d] = string.char(i, j) else preprocParts[d] = string.char(i) end end end end end local function preproc(blk) local out = "" while blk ~= "" do local len = math.min(preprocMaxLen, #blk) while len > 0 do local seg = blk:sub(1, len) if preprocParts[seg] then out = out .. preprocParts[seg] blk = blk:sub(#seg + 1) break end len = len - 1 end assert(len ~= 0) end return out end -- BDIVIDE r5 edition -- Algorithm simplified for smaller implementation and potentially better compression -- format: -- 0-127 for constants -- <128 + (length - 4)>, , -- Position is where in the window it was found, minus 1. -- windowSize must be the same between the encoder and decoder, -- and is the amount of data preserved after cropping. local function bdivide(blk) local out = "" local windowSize = 0x10000 local windowData = ("\x00"):rep(windowSize) local function crop(data) windowData = (windowData .. data):sub(-windowSize) end while blk ~= "" do local bestData = blk:sub(1, 1) local bestRes = bestData for lm = 0, 127 do local al = lm + 4 local pfx = blk:sub(1, al) if #pfx ~= al then break end local p = windowData:find(pfx, 1, true) if not p then break end local pm = p - 1 local thirdByte = pm % 256 -- anti ']'-corruption helper if thirdByte ~= 93 then bestData = string.char(128 + lm, math.floor(pm / 256), thirdByte) bestRes = pfx end end -- ok, encode! out = out .. bestData crop(bestRes) blk = blk:sub(#bestRes + 1) end return out end return function (data) data = preproc(data) io.stderr:write("---\n") data = bdivide(data) return data end