The "lineedit" library provides a quick way to implement nice line editing into applications. It requires the user to store the line and the cursor position for the line, which allows the user to implement any additional logic for the application. (To clarify, this implies that the library's functions are stateless.) The functions are as follows: draw = function (sW, line, curX, rX): Returns the spantext. sW is the width of the area. line is the safeTextFormatted text. curX is the cursor in screen units (usually done as part of the text formatting) This is optional, and if not provided the cursor will not be shown. rX is an optional camera override. If not provided, the cursor will be used; if that is not provided, then the left side will be shown. clamp = function (line, curX): Returns curX clamped to the line's length (does not check for < 1). key = function (ks, kc, line, curX): Performs something. ks, if truthy, is the unicode.char of the key event key character. kc is the key event keycode. (If feeding in clipboard characters, use 0 here.) line is the text. This returns three values, any of which or all of which may be nil for a 'no effect' response: The new line text, 'lT'. The new curX, 'lC'. The extended action, 'lX'. The following extended actions exist: "l<": The cursor should be warped to the end of the previous line, if one exists (if not, do nothing) "l>": The cursor should be warped to the start of the next line, if one exists (if not, do nothing) "w<": This line should be welded to the previous line, and the cursor should be placed at the weld point. "w>": This line should be welded to the next line, and the cursor should be placed at the weld point. "nl": The Enter button was pressed. -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise.