-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-nbox2018.lua : NODEBOX 2018 -- Authors: 20kdc -- Current layout -- 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 -- 1 | | -- 2 | | 3d 32x32 panel -- 3 | | -- 4 | | -- 5 | | -- 6 | | -- 7 | | -- 8 | | -- 9-XY Ortho-ACTIV-+-XZ Ortho-ACTIV-+-ST:OFF-+-FILE:- --10This was the story of someone cal|ABCDEFGH|F1 New --11led Stanley. Stanley got very cro|IJKLMNOP|F3 Load --12ss because someone else used his |QRSTUVWX|F4 Save --13name for a game. Stanley's silly.|YZ[\]^_`|TAB ST. -- F-Key uses: -- F1: New [Global] -- F3: Load [Global] -- F4: Save [Global] -- F5: RotL [Global] -- F6: RotR [Global] -- F7: FileStats [None ?Selected] -- F8: Print [Global] -- F9: Texture [None +Selected] -- F10: Tint [None +Selected] -- F11: -- F12: -- program start local icecap = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.base", "filedialogs") local window = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.window", "window")(50, 13) local fmttext = require("fmttext") local braille = require("braille") -- [true] = {["A"] = { -- tex = "", -- -- numbers are 0 to 15: -- minX = 0, minY = 0, minZ = 0, -- maxX = 16, maxY = 16, maxZ = 16, -- rgb = 0xFFFFFF -- }} local boxes = { [true] = {}, [false] = {} } local redstone = false local button = false local fileLabel = "NB2018" local fileTooltip = "" -- program local xyz = false local state = false local rotation = 0 local cx, cy, cz = 1, 1, 1 local cursorBlink = false local selectedBox local tintDigi = 0 local fstatSwap = false -- minX/minY/minZ are +1 from the usual values -- tex/rgb are defaults until edited -- maxX/maxY/maxZ only present after 2nd point placed -- final corrections performed on submission to boxes table local workingOnBox = nil local function runField(tx, l, r) local fieldContent = unicode.safeTextFormat(tx) fieldContent = fmttext.pad(fieldContent, 31, false, false) fieldContent = unicode.sub(fieldContent, math.max(1, unicode.len(fieldContent) - 30)) return l .. fieldContent .. r end local function actField(tx, ka, kc) if kc == 211 or ka == 8 then tx = unicode.sub(tx, 1, unicode.len(tx) - 1) elseif ka >= 32 then tx = tx .. unicode.char(ka) end return tx end local programState = "none" -- ["state"] = {lines, keydown, clipboard} local programStates = { none = { function (miText, mxText) -- This state handles both box selected & box not selected, -- because the box can get deselected out of program control if selectedBox then local targetBox = boxes[state][selectedBox] return { "'" .. selectedBox .. "' " .. targetBox.tex, "Tint #" .. string.format("%06x", targetBox.rgb), "Enter deselects, Delete deletes.", "F9 and F10 change texture/tint." } end local str = string.format("%02i, %02i, %02i", cx, cy, cz) return { "No selection. " .. str, "Enter starts a new box, while the", " box's letter selects. Rotate w/ ", " F5/F6, F7 for stats, F8 prints. " } end, function (ka, kc) if ka == 13 then if selectedBox then selectedBox = nil else -- Beginning box! workingOnBox = { minX = cx, minY = cy, minZ = cz, tex = "", rgb = 0xFFFFFF } programState = "point2" end elseif kc == 65 then -- FStats fstatSwap = false programState = "fstats" elseif kc == 67 then -- Texture if selectedBox then programState = "texture" end elseif kc == 68 then -- Tint if selectedBox then tintDigi = 1 programState = "tint" end elseif ka == 127 or ka == 8 then -- Delete if selectedBox then boxes[state][selectedBox] = nil selectedBox = nil end else local cc = unicode.char(ka):upper() if boxes[state][cc] then selectedBox = cc end end end, function (text) end }, point2 = { function (miText, mxText) return { "Placing Point 2:" .. miText .. "/" .. mxText, "Enter confirms.", "Arrows move 2nd point.", "Delete/Backspace cancels." } end, function (ka, kc) if ka == 127 or ka == 8 then workingOnBox = nil programState = "none" elseif ka == 13 then workingOnBox.maxX = cx workingOnBox.maxY = cy workingOnBox.maxZ = cz local ch = 65 while boxes[state][string.char(ch)] do ch = ch + 1 end local ax, ay, az = workingOnBox.minX, workingOnBox.minY, workingOnBox.minZ local bx, by, bz = workingOnBox.maxX, workingOnBox.maxY, workingOnBox.maxZ workingOnBox.minX = math.min(ax, bx) - 1 workingOnBox.minY = math.min(ay, by) - 1 workingOnBox.minZ = math.min(az, bz) - 1 workingOnBox.maxX = math.max(ax, bx) workingOnBox.maxY = math.max(ay, by) workingOnBox.maxZ = math.max(az, bz) selectedBox = string.char(ch) boxes[state][selectedBox] = workingOnBox workingOnBox = nil programState = "texture" end end, function (text) end }, texture = { function (miText, mxText) local targetBox = boxes[state][selectedBox] return { "Texturing Box:" .. miText .. "/" .. mxText, "Type texture ID or use clipboard", runField(targetBox.tex, "[", "]"), "Enter to confirm." } end, function (ka, kc) local targetBox = boxes[state][selectedBox] if ka == 13 then programState = "none" else targetBox.tex = actField(targetBox.tex, ka, kc) end end, function (text) boxes[state][selectedBox].tex = text programState = "none" end }, tint = { function (miText, mxText) local targetBox = boxes[state][selectedBox] local a = "#" local b = " " local rgb = targetBox.rgb local div = 0x100000 for i = 1, 6 do a = a .. string.format("%01x", math.floor(rgb / div) % 16) if tintDigi == i then b = b .. "^" else b = b .. " " end div = math.floor(div / 16) end return { "Tinting Box:" .. miText .. "/" .. mxText, a, b, "Enter hexadecimal digits." } end, function (ka, kc) local targetBox = boxes[state][selectedBox] local shifts = { 20, 16, 12, 8, 4, 0 } local hexChars = { [48] = 0, [65] = 10, [97] = 10, [49] = 1, [66] = 11, [98] = 11, [50] = 2, [67] = 12, [99] = 12, [51] = 3, [68] = 13, [100] = 13, [52] = 4, [69] = 14, [101] = 14, [53] = 5, [70] = 15, [102] = 15, [54] = 6, [55] = 7, [56] = 8, [57] = 9, } if hexChars[ka] then local shift = math.floor(2^shifts[tintDigi]) local low = targetBox.rgb % shift local high = math.floor(targetBox.rgb / (shift * 16)) * (shift * 16) targetBox.rgb = low + high + (hexChars[ka] * shift) tintDigi = 1 + (tintDigi or 1) if tintDigi == 7 then tintDigi = nil programState = "none" end end end, function (text) end }, fstats = { function (miText, mxText) local aa, ab = "[", "]" local ba, bb = " ", " " if fstatSwap then aa, ab = " ", " " ba, bb = "[", "]" end return { runField(fileLabel, aa, ab), runField(fileTooltip, ba, bb), "Redstone (F9): " .. ((redstone and "Y") or "N") .. " Button (F10): " .. ((button and "Y") or "N"), "Enter to confirm." } end, function (ka, kc) if kc == 67 then redstone = not redstone elseif kc == 68 then button = not button elseif ka == 13 then fstatSwap = not fstatSwap if not fstatSwap then programState = "none" end elseif fstatSwap then fileTooltip = actField(fileTooltip, ka, kc) else fileLabel = actField(fileLabel, ka, kc) end end, function (text) end } } local function onRect(x, y, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) -- Lines if x == minX then return y >= minY and y <= maxY elseif x == maxX then return y >= minY and y <= maxY elseif y == minY then return x >= minX and x <= maxX elseif y == maxY then return x >= minX and x <= maxX end return false end local function getPixel(x, y, p) -- the reason is obvious for plane1, but less so for plane2 -- just consider that without this, the top of the screen would be facing you, but X would remain your left/right y = 17 - y if p == 1 then if x == cx and y == cy then return cursorBlink end else if x == cx and y == cz then return cursorBlink end end if workingOnBox then local minX, minY, minZ = workingOnBox.minX, workingOnBox.minY, workingOnBox.minZ local maxX, maxY, maxZ = cx, cy, cz if workingOnBox.maxX then maxX, maxY, maxZ = workingOnBox.maxX, workingOnBox.maxY, workingOnBox.maxZ end minX, maxX = math.min(minX, maxX), math.max(minX, maxX) minY, maxY = math.min(minY, maxY), math.max(minY, maxY) minZ, maxZ = math.min(minZ, maxZ), math.max(minZ, maxZ) if p == 1 then if onRect(x, y, minX, minY, maxX, maxY) then return cursorBlink end else if onRect(x, y, minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ) then return cursorBlink end end end for k, v in pairs(boxes[state]) do if (not selectedBox) or (k == selectedBox) then if p == 1 then if onRect(x, y, v.minX + 1, v.minY + 1, v.maxX, v.maxY) then return true end else if onRect(x, y, v.minX + 1, v.minZ + 1, v.maxX, v.maxZ) then return true end end end end return false end local function get3DPixel(xo, yo) local function inLine(xa, ya, xb, yb) xa, ya, xb, yb = math.floor(xa), math.floor(ya), math.floor(xb), math.floor(yb) local xd = math.abs(xa - xb) local yd = math.abs(ya - yb) if xd > yd then local point = math.abs(xo - xa) / xd local cast = math.floor((point * (0.99 + yb - ya)) + ya) if cast ~= yo then return false end elseif yd ~= 0 then local point = math.abs(yo - ya) / yd local cast = math.floor((point * (0.99 + xb - xa)) + xa) if cast ~= xo then return false end end -- clipping return xo >= math.min(xa, xb) and xo <= math.max(xa, xb) and yo >= math.min(ya, yb) and yo <= math.max(ya, yb) end local cacheX = {} local cacheY = {} local function rotate(x, y) if rotation == 0 then return x, y end x = x - 16 y = y - 16 local a = -rotation * 3.14159 / 8 local xBX, xBY = math.cos(a), math.sin(a) local yBX, yBY = -xBY, xBX local xo = (xBX * x) + (yBX * y) local yo = (xBY * x) + (yBY * y) return xo + 16, yo + 16 end local function point3(ax, ay, az) ax, az = rotate(ax, az) local k = ax .. "_" .. ay .. "_" .. az if cacheX[k] then return cacheX[k], cacheY[k] end local ox = 16 local oy = 15.5 oy = oy - (ay / 2) ox = ox + (ax / 2) ox = ox - (az / 2) oy = oy + (ax / 4) oy = oy + (az / 4) cacheX[k] = ox cacheY[k] = oy return ox, oy end local function in3Line(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz) local sc = 1.9 ax, ay = point3(ax * sc, ay * sc, az * sc) bx, by = point3(bx * sc, by * sc, bz * sc) return inLine(ax, ay, bx, by) end local function inShape(ax, ay, az, bx, by, bz) return in3Line(ax, ay, az, bx, ay, az) or in3Line(ax, ay, az, ax, ay, bz) or in3Line(bx, ay, az, bx, ay, bz) or in3Line(ax, ay, bz, bx, ay, bz) or in3Line(ax, ay, az, ax, by, az) or in3Line(ax, ay, bz, ax, by, bz) or in3Line(bx, ay, az, bx, by, az) or in3Line(bx, ay, bz, bx, by, bz) or in3Line(ax, by, az, bx, by, az) or in3Line(ax, by, az, ax, by, bz) or in3Line(bx, by, az, bx, by, bz) or in3Line(ax, by, bz, bx, by, bz) end for k, v in pairs(boxes[state]) do if (not selectedBox) or (k == selectedBox) then if inShape(16 - v.minZ, v.minY, 16 - v.minX, 16 - v.maxZ, v.maxY, 16 - v.maxX) then return true end end end return false end local function render(line, doBraille) if line < 9 then local textA, textB = "", "" local bo = (line - 1) * 2 for i = 1, 16 do for p = 1, 2 do local pxH, pxL = getPixel(i, bo + 1, p), getPixel(i, bo + 2, p) local tx if pxH then if pxL then tx = "█" else tx = "▀" end else if pxL then tx = "▄" else tx = " " end end if p == 1 then textA = textA .. tx else textB = textB .. tx end end end window.span(1, line, textA .. "|" .. textB .. "|", 0, 0xFFFFFF) if doBraille then braille.calcLine(35, line, 16, window.span, function (xo, yo) if get3DPixel(xo, yo + ((line - 1) * 4)) then return 255, 255, 255 else return 0, 0, 0 end end, nil) end elseif line == 9 then local sts = "ON " if not state then sts = "OFF" end -- Bit odd, but makes sense in the end local actA = "-----" local actB = "-----" if not xyz then actA = "Space" else actB = "Space" end window.span(1, line, "-XY Ortho-" .. actA .. "-+-XZ Ortho-" .. actB .. "-+-ST:" .. sts .. "-+-FILE:-", 0, 0xFFFFFF) elseif line > 9 then local mix, miy, miz = cx, cy, cz local mxx, mxy, mxz = cx, cy, cz if workingOnBox then if workingOnBox.maxX then local ax, ay, az = workingOnBox.minX, workingOnBox.minY, workingOnBox.minZ local bx, by, bz = workingOnBox.maxX, workingOnBox.maxY, workingOnBox.maxZ mix = math.min(ax, bx) miy = math.min(ay, by) miz = math.min(az, bz) mxx = math.max(ax, bx) mxy = math.max(ay, by) mxz = math.max(az, bz) else local ax, ay, az = workingOnBox.minX, workingOnBox.minY, workingOnBox.minZ mix = math.min(ax, cx) miy = math.min(ay, cy) miz = math.min(az, cz) mxx = math.max(ax, cx) mxy = math.max(ay, cy) mxz = math.max(az, cz) end end local miText = mix .. "," .. miy .. "," .. miz local mxText = mxx .. "," .. mxy .. "," .. mxz local text = programStates[programState][1](miText, mxText) local menu = { "| |F1 New ", "| |F3 Load", "| |F4 Save", "| |TAB ST." } for i = 1, 4 do text[i] = fmttext.pad(text[i], 33, true, true) .. menu[i] end window.span(1, line, text[line - 9] or "", 0, 0xFFFFFF) for i = 1, 8 do local boxId = string.char(i + ((line - 10) * 8) + 64) if boxes[state][boxId] then if selectedBox == boxId then window.span(34 + i, line, boxId, 0xFFFFFF, 0) else window.span(34 + i, line, boxId, 0, 0xFFFFFF) end end end end end local function refresh(n3d) for i = 1, 14 do render(i, not n3d) end end local function reset() boxes = {[true] = {}, [false] = {}} state = false rotation = 0 selectedBox = nil xyz = false cx, cy, cz = 1, 1, 1 workingOnBox = nil programState = "none" end local function loadObj(obj) fileLabel = obj.label or "" fileTooltip = obj.tooltip or "" redstone = obj.emitRedstone or false button = obj.buttonMode or false local advances = { [false] = 65, [true] = 65 } for k, v in ipairs(obj.shapes) do local vs = v.state or false boxes[vs][string.char(advances[vs])] = { minX = v[1], minY = v[2], minZ = v[3], maxX = v[4], maxY = v[5], maxZ = v[6], tex = v.texture or "", rgb = v.tint or 0xFFFFFF } advances[vs] = advances[vs] + 1 end end local function exportBoxes(shapes, st) local order = {} for k, v in pairs(boxes[st]) do table.insert(order, k) end table.sort(order) for _, kv in ipairs(order) do local v = boxes[st][kv] local tint = v.rgb if tint == 0xFFFFFF then tint = nil end table.insert(shapes, { v.minX, v.minY, v.minZ, v.maxX, v.maxY, v.maxZ, texture = v.tex, state = st, tint = tint }) end end local function makeObj() local tbl = { label = fileLabel, tooltip = fileTooltip, emitRedstone = redstone, buttonMode = button, shapes = { } } exportBoxes(tbl.shapes, false) exportBoxes(tbl.shapes, true) return tbl end local lastFile = nil local function waitForDialog(handle) lastFile = nil while true do local event, b, c, d = coroutine.yield() if event == "k.timer" then neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime() + 0.5) end if event == "x.neo.pub.window" then if b == "close" then return true end end if event == "x.neo.pub.base" then if b == "filedialog" then if c == handle then lastFile = d return end end end end end neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime()) while true do local event, a, b, c, d, e = coroutine.yield() if event == "k.timer" then neo.scheduleTimer(os.uptime() + 0.5) cursorBlink = not cursorBlink refresh(true) end if event == "x.neo.pub.window" then if b == "line" then render(c, true) end if b == "clipboard" then if workingOnBox and workingOnBox.maxX then workingOnBox.tex = tostring(c) b = "key" c = 13 d = 0 e = true end end if b == "key" then if e then --neo.emergency("key " .. tostring(c) .. " " .. tostring(d)) if d == 59 then reset() refresh() elseif d == 61 then -- F3 Load local handle = icecap.showFileDialogAsync(false) if waitForDialog(handle) then return end if lastFile then reset() local obj = require("serial").deserialize("return " .. lastFile.read("*a")) loadObj(obj) refresh() lastFile.close() end elseif d == 62 then -- F4 Save local handle = icecap.showFileDialogAsync(true) if waitForDialog(handle) then return end if lastFile then lastFile.write(require("serial").serialize(makeObj()):sub(8)) lastFile.close() end elseif d == 63 then rotation = rotation + 1 refresh() elseif d == 64 then rotation = rotation - 1 refresh() elseif d == 66 then -- F8 Print neo.executeAsync("app-nprt2018", makeObj()) elseif c == 9 then state = not state selectedBox = nil -- we can safely switch between states -- while working on a box refresh() elseif d == 203 then cx = math.max(1, cx - 1) refresh(true) elseif d == 200 then if not xyz then cy = math.min(16, cy + 1) else cz = math.min(16, cz + 1) end refresh(true) elseif d == 205 then cx = math.min(16, cx + 1) refresh(true) elseif d == 208 then if not xyz then cy = math.max(1, cy - 1) else cz = math.max(1, cz - 1) end refresh(true) else if c == 32 then xyz = not xyz end local oldSB = selectedBox programStates[programState][2](c, d) refresh((c ~= 13) and (oldSB == selectedBox)) end end end if b == "close" then return end end end