-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Used by filedialog to provide a sane relative environment. -- Essentially, the filedialog is just a 'thin' UI wrapper over this. -- Returns the root node. local function dialog(name, parent) return { name = name, list = function () return {{"Back", function () return nil, parent end}} end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) end } end local getFsNode, getRoot local setupCopyNode function setupCopyNode(parent, myRoot, op, complete) local function handleResult(aRes, res) if aRes then return complete(res) else return nil, setupCopyNode(parent, res, op, complete) end end return { name = "(" .. op .. ") " .. myRoot.name, list = function () local l = {} table.insert(l, {"Cancel Operation: " .. op, function () return false, parent end}) for _, v in ipairs(myRoot.list()) do table.insert(l, {v[1], function () return handleResult(v[2]()) end}) end return l end, unknownAvailable = myRoot.unknownAvailable, selectUnknown = function (tx) return handleResult(myRoot.selectUnknown(tx)) end } end local function setupCopyVirtualEnvironment(fs, parent, fwrap) if not fwrap then return false, dialog("Could not open source", parent) end local myRoot = getRoot(fs, true) -- Setup wrapping node return setupCopyNode(parent, myRoot, "Copy", function (fwrap2) if not fwrap2 then return false, dialog("Could not open dest.", parent) end local data = fwrap.read(neo.readBufSize) while data do fwrap2.write(data) data = fwrap.read(neo.readBufSize) end fwrap.close() fwrap2.close() return false, dialog("Completed copy.", parent) end) end getFsNode = function (fs, parent, fsc, path, mode) local va = fsc.address:sub(1, 4) if path:sub(#path, #path) == "/" then local t local confirmedDel = false t = { name = "DIR : " .. va .. path, list = function () local n = {} n[1] = {"..", function () return nil, parent end} for k, v in ipairs(fsc.list(path)) do local nm = "[F] " .. v local fp = path .. v if fsc.isDirectory(fp) then nm = "[D] " .. v end n[k + 1] = {nm, function () return nil, getFsNode(fs, t, fsc, fp, mode) end} end local delText = "Delete" if confirmedDel then delText = "Delete " end if path ~= "/" then table.insert(n, {delText, function () if not confirmedDel then confirmedDel = true return nil, t end fsc.remove(path) return nil, dialog("Done.", parent) end}) end table.insert(n, {"Mk. Directory", function () return nil, { name = "MKDIR...", list = function () return {} end, unknownAvailable = true, selectUnknown = function (text) fsc.makeDirectory(path .. text) return nil, dialog("Done!", t) end } end}) return n end, unknownAvailable = mode ~= nil, selectUnknown = function (text) return true, require("sys-filewrap")(fsc, path .. text, mode) end } return t end return { name = "FILE: " .. va .. path, list = function () local n = {} table.insert(n, {"Back", function () return nil, parent end}) if mode ~= nil then table.insert(n, {"Open", function () return true, require("sys-filewrap")(fsc, path, mode) end}) end table.insert(n, {"Copy", function () return nil, setupCopyVirtualEnvironment(fs, parent, require("sys-filewrap")(fsc, path, false)) end}) table.insert(n, {"Delete", function () fsc.remove(path) return nil, dialog("Done.", parent) end}) return n end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) end } end function getRoot(fs, mode) local t t = { name = "DRVS:", list = function () local l = {} for fsi in fs.list() do local id = fsi.getLabel() if not id then id = " Disk" else id = ":" .. id end if fsi == fs.primary then id = "NEO" .. id elseif fsi == fs.temporary then id = "RAM" .. id end local used, total = fsi.spaceUsed(), fsi.spaceTotal() local amount = string.format("%02i", math.ceil((used / total) * 100)) local mb = math.floor(total / (1024 * 1024)) if fsi.isReadOnly() then id = amount .. "% RO " .. mb .. "M " .. id else id = amount .. "% RW " .. mb .. "M " .. id end table.insert(l, {fsi.address:sub(1, 4) .. ": " .. id, function () return nil, getFsNode(fs, t, fsi, "/", mode) end}) end return l end, unknownAvailable = false, selectUnknown = function (text) end } return t end return getRoot