-- KOSNEO installer base -- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. $icScreen = $component.list("screen", true)() $icGPU = $component.list("gpu", true)() $icFilename = "Starting..." $icBytesRemaining = 0 if $icScreen and $icGPU then $icGPU = $component.proxy($icGPU) $icGPU.bind($icScreen) $icGPU.setResolution(50, 5) $icGPU.setBackground(2^24-1) $icGPU.setForeground(0) $icGPU.fill(1, 1, 50, 5, "█") $icGPU.fill(1, 2, 50, 1, " ") $icGPU.set(2, 2, "KittenOS NEO Installer") end function $icOctalToNumber($a0) if $a0 == "" then return 0 end return $icOctalToNumber($a0:sub(1, -2)) * 8 + ($a0:byte(#$a0) - 48) end $icSectorsRead = 0 $iBlockingLen = 512 function $iBlockingHook($a0) if $icBytesRemaining > 0 then $NT|icByteAdv $icByteAdv = math.min(512, $icBytesRemaining) $icBytesRemaining = $icBytesRemaining - $icByteAdv if $icFile then $filesystem.write($icFile, $a0:sub(1, $icByteAdv)) if $icBytesRemaining <= 0 then $filesystem.close($icFile) $icFile = nil end end $DT|icByteAdv else $icFilename = $a0:sub(1, 100):gsub("\x00", "") -- this sets up the reading/skipping of data $icBytesRemaining = $icOctalToNumber($a0:sub(125, 135)) if $icFilename:sub(1, 2) == "./" and $icFilename ~= "./" then $icFilename = $icFilename:sub(3) if $icFilename:sub(#$icFilename) == "/" then $filesystem.makeDirectory($icFilename) else $icFile = $filesystem.open($icFilename, "wb") if $icBytesRemaining == 0 then $filesystem.close($icFile) $icFile = nil end end end end -- UPDATE DISPLAY -- $icSectorsRead = $icSectorsRead + 1 if $icScreen and $icGPU then $icGPU.fill(1, 2, 50, 1, " ") $icGPU.set(2, 2, "KittenOS NEO Installer : " .. $icFilename) $icGPU.fill(2, 4, 48, 1, "█") $icGPU.fill(2, 4, math.ceil(48 * $icSectorsRead / $$SECTORS), 1, " ") end if $icSectorsRead % 16 == 0 then $computer.pullSignal(0.01) end if $icSectorsRead == $$SECTORS then $filesystem.close($readInFile) $filesystem.remove("init.neoi.lua") $computer.shutdown(true) end end