-- This is released into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- app-launchbar: launchbar with application pinning local event = require("event")(neo) local neoux, err = require("neoux") if not neoux then error(err) end neoux = neoux(event, neo) local running = true local window local pinned = {} -- load pinned applications local icecap = neo.requireAccess("x.neo.pub.base", "load pinned applications") local w,f = pcall(icecap.open,"/pinned", false) if w and f then neo.emergency(f) local fcontent = f.read("*a") for s in fcontent:gmatch("[^\n]+") do for k,v in ipairs(neo.listApps()) do if v == s then pinned[#pinned+1] = s end end end f.close() else pinned = {"app-control","app-taskmgr"} end local function savePinned() -- saves pinned applications local f=icecap.open("/pinned",true) if f then for k,v in pairs(pinned) do f.write(v.."\n") end f.close() end end local function isPinned(name) local bpinned = false for l,m in ipairs(pinned) do if m == name then bpinned = l end end return bpinned end local function genAppMenu(autoclose) local wwidth, wheight, wcontent = 1, 1, {} local applist = neo.listApps() for _,app in ipairs(applist) do if app:sub(1,4) == "app-" then local appname = app:sub(5) if appname:len()+2 > wwidth then wwidth = appname:len()+2 end table.insert(wcontent,neoux.tcbutton(1, wheight, appname, function (w) local pid, err = neo.executeAsync(app) if not pid then neoux.startDialog(tostring(err), "launchErr") else if autoclose then w.close() end end end)) wheight = wheight + 1 end end local cy = 1 for _, app in ipairs(applist) do if app:sub(1,4) == "app-" then local appname = app:sub(5) local pinicon = unicode.char(9633) if isPinned(app) then pinicon = unicode.char(9632) end table.insert(wcontent, neoux.tcbutton(wwidth+1, cy, pinicon, function(w) local bpinned = isPinned(app) if not bpinned then table.insert(pinned,app) else table.remove(pinned,bpinned) end local wc, mx = genLaunchBar() window.reset(mx, 1, nil, wc) local fwwidth, fwheight, fbuttons = genAppMenu() w.reset(fwwidth+3, fwheight, "apps", neoux.tcwindow(fwwidth+3, fwheight, fbuttons, function (w) w.close() end, 0xFFFFFF, 0)) savePinned() end)) cy = cy + 1 end end return wwidth, wheight, wcontent end local function appMenu(autoclose) local wwidth, wheight, buttons = genAppMenu(autoclose) neo.emergency(wwidth,wheight,buttons) neoux.create(wwidth+3, wheight, "apps", neoux.tcwindow(wwidth+3, wheight, buttons, function (w) w.close() end, 0xFFFFFF, 0)) end function genLaunchBar() local buttons = {} local mx = 1 table.insert(buttons,neoux.tcbutton(mx, 1, "disks", function(w) neo.executeAsync("app-fm") end)) mx = mx + 7 table.insert(buttons,neoux.tcbutton(mx, 1, "apps", function(w) appMenu() end)) mx = mx + 6 for k,v in pairs(pinned) do local dstr = v:sub(5) table.insert(buttons,neoux.tcbutton(mx,1,dstr,function(w) neo.executeAsync(v) end)) mx = mx + dstr:len() + 2 end return neoux.tcwindow(mx, 1, buttons, function(w) w.close() running = false end, 0xFFFFFF, 0), mx end local wc, mx = genLaunchBar() window = neoux.create(mx, 1, nil, wc) while running do event.pull() end