-- I, 20kdc, release this into the public domain. -- No warranty is provided, implied or otherwise. -- Light Copper Base node that communicates to a server via an -- Internet Card. -- Only handles one modem for now. local args = {...} if #args ~= 3 then error("name, tcphost, tcpport") end local component = require("component") local cdlib = require("cdlib") local event = require("event") -- Adjust to taste. local tcp = require("internet").open(tostring(args[2]), tonumber(args[3])) local md = component.modem md.open(4957) tcp:setTimeout(0.05) tcp:write(string.char((#(args[1])) - 1) .. args[1]) tcp:flush() print("TCP up") local function verify(d) local hops, src, dst, data = cdlib.decode(d) if not data then return end -- Just a bit of filtering if dst:sub(1, 1) ~= "<" then return end if d:len() > 2021 then return end return true end local function readByte() while true do local ok, err = pcall(tcp.read, tcp, 1) if ok then return err end -- not nice :( if err:find("timeout") then coroutine.yield() else error(err) end end end local function readerRoutine() while true do local h = readByte() local l = readByte() local sz = string.byte(l) + (string.byte(h) * 256) print("Incoming packet size " .. sz) local dat = "" for i = 1, sz do dat = dat .. readByte() end md.broadcast(4957, "copper", dat) end end local primary = coroutine.create(readerRoutine) while true do local et, _, _, p, _, m, d = event.pull(0.1) local ok, o = coroutine.resume(primary) if not ok then error(o) end if et == "modem_message" and p == 4957 then if m == "copper" then -- Incoming Copper packet. if verify(d) then local h = math.floor(d:len() / 256) local l = d:len() % 256 tcp:write(string.char(h, l) .. d) tcp:flush() end end end end