-- Postprocessor local lastchar = " " local text = io.read("*a") text = "\n" .. text -- the most important step: everything assumes \n text = text:gsub("\r", "") -- tabs are always useless. -- get rid of them *before* removing comments so indented comments also get scrubbed. text = text:gsub("\t", "") text = text:gsub("\n%-%-[^\n]+", "") -- This is run after comment removal so that comments can be re-added. text = text:gsub("\n%%[^\n]+", function(s) return "\n" .. s:sub(3) end) local otext = text local function pass() text = text:gsub(".\n+.", function(i) local l = i:sub(1, 1) .. i:sub(#i) if not l:match("[^%(%)%{%}%,].") then return l end return i:sub(1, 1) .. "\n" .. i:sub(#i) end) end pass() while otext ~= text do otext = text pass() end -- Final processing text = text:gsub("^\n+", ""):gsub("\n+$", "") io.write(text)